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Material Theme Builder for Vuetify

This tool is a version built with Vue and Vuetify of the official Material Theme Builder project. It allows you to preview various Vuetify components by selecting a primary color and easily export your custom theme configuration, ready to be used in other projects.

❗️ Important Links

💿 Install

Set up your project using your preferred package manager. Use the corresponding command to install the dependencies:

Package Manager Command
yarn yarn install
npm npm install
pnpm pnpm install
bun bun install

After completing the installation, your environment is ready for Vuetify development.

✨ Features

  • 🖼️ Vuetify Components Showcase: Selecting the primary color will dynamically generate the theme, allowing you to preview the appearance of various components in their different variants.

  • 🧩 Export Custom Theme: Enables you to export the theme in a format compatible with the Vuetify framework.

💡 Usage

This section covers how to start the development server and build your project for production.

Starting the Development Server

To start the development server with hot-reload, run the following command. The server will be accessible at http://localhost:3000:

yarn dev

(Repeat for npm, pnpm, and bun with respective commands.)

💪 Support Vuetify MD3 Theme Builder Development

You can use GitHub Issues to give or receive feedback.

📑 License



Material Theme Builder for Vuetify






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