This code is for the paper Flatten Long-Range Loss Landscapes for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning (CVPR 2024)
A anaconda envs is recommended:
conda create --name py36 python=3.6
conda activate py36
conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch
pip3 install scipy>=1.3.2
pip3 install tensorboardX>=1.4
pip3 install h5py>=2.9.0
Totally nine datasets inculding miniImagenet, CUB, Cars, Places, Plantae, CropDiseases, EuroSAT, ISIC2018 and ChestX are used.
Following FWT-repo to download and setup all datasets. (It can be done quickly)
Remember to modify your own dataset dir in the ''
For CUB, Cars, Places, Plantae:
python -stage pretrain -name myName -train_aug -milestones 9999 -stop_epoch 400 -optimizer adamW -decay 0.01 -beta_a 0.01 -beta_b 0.01
For CropDiseases, EuroSAT, ISIC, ChestX:
python -stage pretrain -name myName -train_aug -milestones 9999 -stop_epoch 400 -optimizer adamW -decay 0.01 -beta_a 0.01 -beta_b 0.026
For CUB, Cars, Places, Plantae:
python -ckp_path output/checkpoints/myName/best_$dataset_model.tar -stage pretrain -dataset $dataset -n_shot 5 -beta_a 0.01 -beta_b 0.01
For CropDiseases, EuroSAT, ISIC, ChestX:
python -ckp_path output/checkpoints/myName/best_$dataset_model.tar -stage pretrain -dataset $dataset -n_shot 5 -beta_a 0.01 -beta_b 0.026
The training script also includes a testing for each epoch.
In method/, there are commented codes for the transductive evaluation, which you can uncomment to unlock the feature.
Notably, our code is built upon the Meta-FDMixup: Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning Guided by Labeled Target Data. (ACM MM 2021)