This repo contains library code that is used by terraform-provider-hpegl and the service provider repos.
This package defines an interface that must be satisfied by all service provider client creation code. The interface is:
package client
import (
// Initialisation interface, service Client creation code will have to satisfy this interface
// The hpegl provider will iterate over a slice of these to initialise service clients
type Initialisation interface {
// NewClient is run by hpegl to initialise the service client
NewClient(r *schema.ResourceData) (interface{}, error)
// ServiceName is used by hpegl, it returns the key to be used for the client returned by NewClient
// in the map[string]interface{} passed-down to provider code by terraform
ServiceName() string
The *schema.ResourceData is the provider config stanza.
Service provider repos will define an exported InitialiseClient{} struct that implements this interface. An example of this:
package client
import (
// keyForGLClientMap is the key in the map[string]interface{} that is passed down by hpegl used to store *Client
// This must be unique, hpegl will error-out if it isn't
const keyForGLClientMap = "caasClient"
// Assert that InitialiseClient satisfies the client.Initialisation interface
var _ client.Initialisation = (*InitialiseClient)(nil)
// Client is the client struct that is used by the provider code
type Client struct {
CaasClient *mcaasapi.APIClient
// InitialiseClient is imported by hpegl from each service repo
type InitialiseClient struct{}
// NewClient takes an argument of all of the provider.ConfigData, and returns an interface{} and error
// If there is no error interface{} will contain *Client.
// The hpegl provider will put *Client at the value of keyForGLClientMap (returned by ServiceName) in
// the map of clients that it creates and passes down to provider code. hpegl executes NewClient for each service.
func (i InitialiseClient) NewClient(r *schema.ResourceData) (interface{}, error) {
// Get CaaS settings from the CaaS block
caasProviderSettings, err := client.GetServiceSettingsMap(constants.ServiceName, r)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil
apiURL := caasProviderSettings[constants.APIURL].(string)
caasCfg := mcaasapi.Configuration{
BasePath: apiURL,
DefaultHeader: make(map[string]string),
UserAgent: "hpegl-terraform",
cli := new(Client)
cli.CaasClient = mcaasapi.NewAPIClient(&caasCfg)
return cli, nil
// ServiceName is used to return the value of keyForGLClientMap, for use by hpegl
func (i InitialiseClient) ServiceName() string {
return keyForGLClientMap
// GetClientFromMetaMap is a convenience function used by provider code to extract *Client from the
// meta argument passed-in by terraform
func GetClientFromMetaMap(meta interface{}) (*Client, error) {
cli := meta.(map[string]interface{})[keyForGLClientMap]
if cli == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("client is not initialised, make sure that caas block is defined in hpegl stanza")
return cli.(*Client), nil
// GetToken is a convenience function used by provider code to extract retrieve.TokenRetrieveFuncCtx from
// the meta argument passed-in by terraform and execute it with the context ctx
func GetToken(ctx context.Context, meta interface{}) (string, error) {
trf := meta.(map[string]interface{})[common.TokenRetrieveFunctionKey].(retrieve.TokenRetrieveFuncCtx)
return trf(ctx)
Note the following:
- We define an IntialiseClient{} struct that implements the client.Initialisation interface
- We have a Client{} struct that contains:
- An instance of a service client
- An IAMToken for use with the client
We expect that all services will have a Client{} struct similar to this
- We store a unique key for the service client as a constant keyForGLClientMap, this key must be unique for each service. hpegl will check that the service client keys are unique on start-up, and will error out if it detects a repeated key.
- The unique key is returned by ServiceName()
- We've added a GetClientFromMetaMap() convenience function that is used by provider CRUD code to
return *Client from the meta interface passed-in to the CRUD code by terraform, like so:
package resources import ( "context" "" "" "" ) func ClusterBlueprint() *schema.Resource { return &schema.Resource{ Schema: nil, SchemaVersion: 0, StateUpgraders: nil, CreateContext: clusterBlueprintCreateContext, ReadContext: clusterBlueprintReadContext, // TODO figure out if and how a blueprint can be updated // Update: clusterBlueprintUpdate, DeleteContext: clusterBlueprintDeleteContext, CustomizeDiff: nil, Importer: nil, DeprecationMessage: "", Timeouts: nil, Description: "", } } func clusterBlueprintCreateContext(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) diag.Diagnostics { _, err := client.GetClientFromMetaMap(meta) if err != nil { return diag.FromErr(err) } return nil } func clusterBlueprintReadContext(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) diag.Diagnostics { _, err := client.GetClientFromMetaMap(meta) if err != nil { return diag.FromErr(err) } return nil } func clusterBlueprintDeleteContext(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) diag.Diagnostics { _, err := client.GetClientFromMetaMap(meta) if err != nil { return diag.FromErr(err) } return nil }
Note that we've added a GetToken() convenience function that is used by provider CRUD code to fetch the Token Retrieve Function - see here
Note that GetClientFromMetaMap can return an error. This is because the example service shown here uses a service block in the provider stanza. These blocks are optional, since a customer may not want to use the related service in a terraform run. The blocks are intended for use with client initialisation. If a service needs a provider block for client initialisation and one isn't present then we expect the NewClient() function to return nil. The GetClientFromMetaMap() function will return an error if the meta-map entry for the service is nil. By raising a diag.FromErr with this error Terraform will display the error message to the user on the console, who can take action (i.e. add a service block to the provider stanza).
In the hpegl provider a slice of service implementations of this interface is created and iterated over to populate the map[string]interface{} that is provided as the meta argument to service provider code by hpegl. The slice is defined as follows:
package clients
import (
clicaas ""
func InitialiseClients() []client.Initialisation {
return []client.Initialisation{
This slice is iterated over as follows:
package client
import (
quake ""
func NewClientMap(config provider.ConfigData) (map[string]interface{}, diag.Diagnostics) {
c := make(map[string]interface{})
// Iterate over services
for _, cli := range clients.InitialiseClients() {
scli, err := cli.NewClient(config)
if err != nil {
return nil, diag.Errorf("error in creating client %s: %s", cli.ServiceName(), err)
// Check that cli.ServiceName() value is unique
if _, ok := c[cli.ServiceName()]; ok {
return nil, diag.Errorf("%s client key is not unique", cli.ServiceName())
// Add service client to map
c[cli.ServiceName()] = scli
return c, nil
This package provides utilities to read and parse a .gltform file. The .gltform file is primarily used to share bmaas/Quake information with the bmaas/Quake provider code. It is also used by Genesis tooling to share the IAM token with other services (CaaS at the moment). It is TBD if we will persist with the use of the file as the provider is developed.
The format of the .gltform file is:
// Gljwt - the contents of the .gltform file
type Gljwt struct {
// SpaceName is optional, and is only required for bmaas if we want to create a project
SpaceName string `yaml:"space_name,omitempty"`
// ProjectID - the bmaas/Quake project ID
ProjectID string `yaml:"project_id"`
// RestURL - the URL to be used for bmaas, at present it refers to a Quake portal URL
RestURL string `yaml:"rest_url"`
// Token - the GL IAM token
Token string `yaml:"access_token"`
The only use of this file is with the bmaas/Quake provider code.
This package is used by the hpegl provider to build a .gltform for use with bmaas.
This defines a number of functions used in creating the plugin.ProviderFunc object that is used to expose the provider code to Terraform. This package is used by hpegl to expose the hpegl provider that spans all supported services, and is used by individual service provider repos to create a "dummy" provider restricted to just the service covered by each repo. This "dummy" provider can be used for development purposes and for acceptance testing. Note that the "dummy" provider takes the same set of config arguments as the hpegl provider, but will only support CRUD operations on the relevant service objects.
This package is used as follows in a service provider repo:
package testutils
import (
func ProviderFunc() plugin.ProviderFunc {
return provider.NewProviderFunc(provider.ServiceRegistrationSlice(resources.Registration{}), providerConfigure)
func providerConfigure(p *schema.Provider) schema.ConfigureContextFunc { // nolint staticcheck
return func(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData) (interface{}, diag.Diagnostics) {
cli, err := client.InitialiseClient{}.NewClient(d)
if err != nil {
return nil, diag.Errorf("error in creating client: %s", err)
// Initialise token handler
h, err := serviceclient.NewHandler(d)
if err != nil {
return nil, diag.FromErr(err)
// Returning a map[string]interface{} with the Client from pkg.client at the
// key specified in that repo and with the token retrieve function at the key
// specified by the token package to ensure compatibility with the hpegl terraform
// provider.
return map[string]interface{}{
client.InitialiseClient{}.ServiceName(): cli,
common.TokenRetrieveFunctionKey: retrieve.NewTokenRetrieveFunc(h),
}, nil
Note the following:
resources.Registration{} is the ServiceRegistration interface implementation for the service, and exposes the service resource CRUD operations along with any service block for inclusion in the provider stanza to the "dummy" provider
providerConfigure returns a schema.ConfigureContextFunc which is used to configure the service client. The client.InitialiseClient{} struct is the service implementation of the client Initialisation interface. We add code to initialise the IAM token Handler, use it to create a Token Retrieve Function and put it in a map[string]interface{} at the expected key. The client created by the InitialiseClient{}.NewClient() function is added to map[string]interface{} map at the key given by InitialiseClient{}.ServiceName(). This is to ensure compatibility with the hpegl provider.
ProviderFunc() above can then be used to create a "dummy" service-specific provider as follows:
package main
import (
func main() {
ProviderFunc: testutils.ProviderFunc(),
ProviderFunc() can also be used in acceptance tests.
The use of these functions in the hpegl provider is very similar to that in the service provider repos. The differences are:
- A slice of registration.ServiceRegistration{} implementations one from each service is passed in to NewProviderFunc
- A map[string]interface{} that contains all of the supported service clients is returned by providerConfigure
package hpegl
import (
func ProviderFunc() plugin.ProviderFunc {
return provider.NewProviderFunc(resources.SupportedServices(), providerConfigure)
func providerConfigure(p *schema.Provider) schema.ConfigureContextFunc { // nolint staticcheck
return func(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData) (interface{}, diag.Diagnostics) {
return client.NewClientMap(ctx, d)
This ProviderFunc is used to create the hpegl Terraform provider:
package main
import (
func main() {
ProviderFunc: hpegl.ProviderFunc(),
This package defines an interface that must be defined by all service repos to associate resource and data-source code with hcl config names in addition to specifying a service block for inclusion in the provider stanza:
package registration
import ""
type ServiceRegistration interface {
// Name is the name of this Service - a mnemonic. The value will be used to
// set the name used for this service's entry in the provider schema
Name() string
// SupportedDataSources returns the supported Data Sources supported by this Service
SupportedDataSources() map[string]*schema.Resource
// SupportedResources returns the supported Resources supported by this Service
SupportedResources() map[string]*schema.Resource
// ProviderSchemaEntry returns the provider-level resource schema entry for this service
// We will convert this into a schema.Schema of TypeSet in the provider
// These blocks are marked as optional, it is up to the service-provider code to check that
// the relevant service block is present if it is needed.
ProviderSchemaEntry() *schema.Resource
Service provider repos will define an exported Registration{} struct that implements this interface. An example of this:
package resources
import (
// Assert that Registration implements the ServiceRegistration interface
var _ registration.ServiceRegistration = (*Registration)(nil)
type Registration struct{}
func (r Registration) Name() string {
return constants.ServiceName
func (r Registration) SupportedDataSources() map[string]*schema.Resource {
return nil
func (r Registration) SupportedResources() map[string]*schema.Resource {
return map[string]*schema.Resource{
"hpegl_caas_cluster_blueprint": resources.ClusterBlueprint(),
"hpegl_caas_cluster": resources.Cluster(),
func (r Registration) ProviderSchemaEntry() *schema.Resource {
return &schema.Resource{
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
constants.APIURL: {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
DefaultFunc: schema.EnvDefaultFunc("HPEGL_CAAS_API_URL", ""),
Description: "The URL to use for the CaaS API, can also be set with the HPEGL_CAAS_API_URL env var",
Note the following:
- The keys returned by SupportedDataSources and SupportedResources correspond to resource and data-source definitions in hcl
- We are imposing the following key naming format:
hpegl_<service mnemonic>_<service resource or data-source name>
The *schema.Resource returned by ProviderSchemaEntry is added to the map[string]*schema.Schema{} map as a TypeSet with a maximum size of 1 with the key provided by the Name() function. Using a TypeSet in this way
- i.e. with a maximum size of 1 - seems to be the canonical way of adding configuration blocks to terraform. Note the following:
- The intention is that this block will be used for client initialisation in NewClient()
- The block is marked as optional, since we do not want to force users to have to define blocks for GreenLake services that they are not using in a terraform run
- If a service team doesn't want a block in the provider stanza, then ProviderSchemaEntry() should return nil
- We have added a helper function to pkg/client - GetServiceSettingsMap(key string, r *schema.ResourceData)
- which can be used by NewClient() code to fetch the service block entries. This function will return an error if there is no service block. See earlier for the implications of using a service block.
The hpegl provider defines a slice including individual service implementations of the ServiceRegistration interface that is passed-in to provider.NewProviderFunc:
package resources
import (
resquake ""
rescaas ""
func SupportedServices() []registration.ServiceRegistration {
return []registration.ServiceRegistration{
This directory contains code to create and refresh tokens. Every token creation method will define a handler specific to it. The way that this works is as follows:
- Each handler creates two channels:
- a "resultCh" which is used to communicate the token along with an error in a Result struct to a function used by provider code which listens on the channel
- an "exitCh" which is used by provider code to signal to the handler thread which presents tokens on "resultCh" to exit
- Each handler creates a thread (a go routine) which presents the Result struct obtained by running a "retrieve" function on "resultCh". The thread also listens for a signal on "exitCh" to exit
- The handler "retrieve" function stashes a token in the handler. If the token is about to expire in common.TimeToTokenExpiry seconds or less then a new token is obtained from IAM.
- The handler implements a simple interface common.TokenChannelInterface which returns the "resultCh" and the "exitCh"
- The hpegl provider instantiates the appropriate handler, and passes it down to retrieve.NewTokenRetrieveFunc which expects to get a common.TokenChannelInterface. The interface is executed to get the "resultCh" and the "exitCh". A function of type TokenRetrieveFuncCtx is returned which takes a context and uses the channels passed-in to either return a token (and error) or signal the handler retrieve function to exit by writing into "exitCh" if the context is cancelled.
- The TokenRetrieveFuncCtx created is stashed in the map[string]interface{} passed down to the provider code at the common.TokenRetrieveFunctionKey key for execution by the provider code.
Constants, a struct and an interface that are used by the retrieve package and by all token Handlers:
package common
const (
TokenRetrieveFunctionKey = "tokenRetrieveFunc"
// TimeToTokenExpiry is seconds in int64, not time.Second
// This constant should be used in all handler code
TimeToTokenExpiry = 60
// Result the result struct sent back on the resultCh of a token Handler
type Result struct {
Token string
Err error
// TokenChannelInterface the interface that is implemented by a token Handler
// This interface is used in retrieve.NewTokenRetrieveFunc
type TokenChannelInterface interface {
TokenChannels() (chan Result, chan int)
The retrieve package used to construct a retrieve.TokenRetrieveFuncCtx function for use in terraform provider code.
In service provider code we assert that the object stored in the map[string]interface{} passed down from Terraform at the key common.TokenRetrieveFunctionKey is of type retrieve.TokenRetrieveFuncCtx and execute it. This is wrapped-up in a convenience function GetToken as follows:
// GetToken is a convenience function used by provider code to extract retrieve.TokenRetrieveFuncCtx from
// the meta argument passed-in by terraform and execute it with the context ctx
func GetToken(ctx context.Context, meta interface{}) (string, error) {
trf := meta.(map[string]interface{})[common.TokenRetrieveFunctionKey].(retrieve.TokenRetrieveFuncCtx)
return trf(ctx)
This function is executed in CRUD code:
func clusterBlueprintCreateContext(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) diag.Diagnostics {
_, err := client.GetClientFromMetaMap(meta)
if err != nil {
return diag.FromErr(err)
_, err = client.GetToken(ctx, meta)
if err != nil {
return diag.Errorf("Error in getting token: %s", err)
return nil
In the hpegl provider we use retrieve.NewTokenRetrieveFunc with a token Handler to create the retrieve.TokenRetrieveFuncCtx and put in the map[string]interface{} at key common.TokenRetrieveFunctionKey:
func NewClientMap(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData) (map[string]interface{}, diag.Diagnostics) {
c := make(map[string]interface{})
// Initialise token handler
h, err := serviceclient.NewHandler(d)
if err != nil {
return nil, diag.FromErr(err)
// Get token retrieve func
trf := retrieve.NewTokenRetrieveFunc(h)
c[common.TokenRetrieveFunctionKey] = trf
return c, nil
This is an implementation of a token Handler that uses service-client creds to get a token from IAM.
In the service provider repos we use this Handler when creating a "dummy-provider", like so:
package testutils
import (
func ProviderFunc() plugin.ProviderFunc {
return provider.NewProviderFunc(provider.ServiceRegistrationSlice(resources.Registration{}), providerConfigure)
func providerConfigure(p *schema.Provider) schema.ConfigureContextFunc { // nolint staticcheck
return func(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData) (interface{}, diag.Diagnostics) {
cli, err := client.InitialiseClient{}.NewClient(d)
if err != nil {
return nil, diag.Errorf("error in creating client: %s", err)
// Initialise token handler
h, err := serviceclient.NewHandler(d)
if err != nil {
return nil, diag.FromErr(err)
// Returning a map[string]interface{} with the Client from pkg.client at the
// key specified in that repo and with the token retrieve function at the key
// specified by the token package to ensure compatibility with the hpegl terraform
// provider.
return map[string]interface{}{
client.InitialiseClient{}.ServiceName(): cli,
common.TokenRetrieveFunctionKey: retrieve.NewTokenRetrieveFunc(h),
}, nil
In the hpegl provider we initialise this Handler for use in creating retrieve.TokenRetrieveFuncCtx:
func NewClientMap(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData) (map[string]interface{}, diag.Diagnostics) {
c := make(map[string]interface{})
// Initialise token handler
h, err := serviceclient.NewHandler(d)
if err != nil {
return nil, diag.FromErr(err)
// Get token retrieve func
trf := retrieve.NewTokenRetrieveFunc(h)
c[common.TokenRetrieveFunctionKey] = trf
return c, nil