Ruuvitag Sensor datacollection to Zabbix with RaspberryPi Debian
How to use?
- Follow the installation guide in to get the Ruuvitag python package functional. You can test ruuvitag functionality with the python script.
With earlier RaspberryPi devices without built-in Bluetooth, you can use the Asus BT-500 USB Bluetooth dongle. Tested with Raspberry Pi 3 and Debian.
- Install zabbix-agent or zabbix-agent2 and zabbix-sender
- Import Zabbix Template
- Clone git repository to /home/ruuvi/Ruuvitag and add u+x to the python files. Files in my example owned by the user ruuvi.
- Configure your ruuvitags to the ruuvitags.json file (Bluetooth Mac, Zabbix Itemkey (Unique, without spaces or special characters), Displayname)
To find your Ruuvitags, you can run the python file manually. Example output below:
ruuvi@ruuvi:~/Ruuvitag $ python
Finding RuuviTags. Stop with Ctrl+C.
Start receiving broadcasts (device hci0)
FYI: Calling a process with sudo: hciconfig hci0 reset
FYI: Spawning process with sudo: hcitool -i hci0 lescan2 --duplicates --passive
FYI: Spawning process with sudo: hcidump -i hci0 --raw
{'data_format': 5, 'humidity': 45.3, 'temperature': 24.38, 'pressure': 980.96, 'acceleration': 1016.8343031192447, 'acceleration_x': -36, 'acceleration_y': -20, 'acceleration_z': 1016, 'tx_power': 4, 'battery': 3101, 'movement_counter': 70, 'measurement_sequence_number': 27397, 'mac': 'aabbcc443355'}
{'data_format': 5, 'humidity': 51.04, 'temperature': 23.23, 'pressure': 981.06, 'acceleration': 1053.7703734685276, 'acceleration_x': 52, 'acceleration_y': -32, 'acceleration_z': 1052, 'tx_power': 4, 'battery': 3083, 'movement_counter': 29, 'measurement_sequence_number': 27431, 'mac': 'aabbcc662244'}
^CStop receiving broadcasts
- Add the following user parameters to your Zabbix agent configuration file. Remember to restart the Zabbix agent!
UserParameter=ruuvitag.get,python /home/ruuvi/Ruuvitag/,python /home/ruuvi/Ruuvitag/
- Add the following cron to the user ruuvi with #crontab -e
*/1 * * * * python /etc/zabbix/scripts/ruuvitag/
- Verify functionality with Zabbix.
You can run the ruuvitag discovery manually in Zabbix frontend. This should create the neccessary items based on your ruuvitags.json file defined earlier.
Note: These scripts assume that they are located in "/home/ruuvi/Ruuvitag/" directory. If you choose to save them somewhere else, remember to change these hardcoded paths.
If the sender fails (For example missing items when adding ruuvitags and discovery has not run yet), or failure sending data for any other reason. Then the python script doesn't delete the temporary sender file in /tmp/ directory. You can use this file to compare items on the zabbix server, or run the sender manually in verbose mode.