Welcome to the world of Gulp plugins by Zilero! 🎉 This package is built on nx.js and provides a powerful set of tools to enhance your workflow. Each plugin is designed to simplify various tasks in the build and development process, allowing you to focus on creating amazing projects.
To install the plugin, use the following command:
npm install gulp-conditional
Вот краткий обзор доступных плагинов и их функциональности:
gulp-conditional: Allows you to conditionally run Gulp tasks based on specified conditions. 🎭
gulp-folder-clone: Clones folders, making it convenient for backups or working with templates. 📁
gulp-font-switcher: Converts fonts, simplifying font switching in your project and allowing for quick style changes. 🔤
gulp-html-squeezer: Compresses HTML files, reducing their size and improving performance. ⚡️
gulp-js-squeeze: Optimizes JavaScript by removing unnecessary code and comments. 🚀
gulp-plugin-factory: Allows you to create custom Gulp plugins with minimal effort. 🏗️
gulp-plugin-manager: Manages your plugins, simplifying their integration and configuration. 🛠️
gulp-pug-compiler: Compiles Pug templates into HTML, enhancing code readability and maintainability. 📄
gulp-refilename: Allows you to rename files during the build process. 🔄
gulp-scss-squeezer: Optimizes SCSS files for reduced size and improved load speed. 🎨
gulp-sharper: Enhances image quality by reducing their size without loss of quality. 🖼️
gulp-smart-changes: Tracks file changes, processes only modified files, and automatically restarts Gulp tasks. 🔄
gulp-zip-creator: Creates ZIP archives from your files and folders for convenient storage and transfer. 📦
gulp-winston-logger: Integrates Winston for error handling and logging in your Gulp tasks. 📝
Each plugin has its own documentation detailing usage and examples. Refer to the documentation in the respective repositories for more information.
Here’s an example of how you can use one of the plugins in your gulpfile.js
const gulp = require("gulp");
const htmlSqueezer = require("gulp-html-squeezer");
gulp.task("compress-html", () => {
return gulp.src("src/**/*.html").pipe(htmlSqueezer()).pipe(gulp.dest("dist"));
If you would like to contribute to the project, please create a pull request or leave feedback. I am always open to new ideas and improvements!
Discuss the plugins with other users in GitHub Issues or in our chat.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.