This sourced code is for converting data of KITTI odometry dataset to ROS bag format.
- Installation dependency
GCC >= 5.4.0
Cmake >= 3.0.2
Eigen3 >= 3.2.8
PCL == 1.7 for Ubuntu 16.04, and == 1.8 for Ubuntu 18.04
OpenCV == 2.4.9 for Ubuntu 16.04
- Create a new ROS workspace
mkdir /kitti2bag/src
cd /kitti2bag/src
- Clone and build this repository
git clone
cd ..
- Adjust directory structure
Please make sure that the directory format of KITTI is as follow:
- Run
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch kitti2bag kitti2bag.launch
Please change the varibales about PATH in launch file before running.