This is a PyTorch implementation of Swin MoCo.
We open-sourced this code to help readers reproduce the transfer learning performance of Swin MoCo on the Synapse dataset.
In comparison to the official code of Swin-Unet, we made the following modifications:
- We replaced the ImageNet supervised model with the Swin MoCo model as the pre-trained model for Swin-Unet.
- We used the AdamW optimizer and adjusted the learning rate accordingly.
- We employed different data augmentations.
The final results outperform the performance of the official Swin-Unet code on the Synapse dataset. Our results not only show a slight improvement in Dice but also a significant improvement in HD.
Running this project is expected to yield the following results:
[aorta] Dice: 84.15, HD: 10.79
[gallbladder] Dice: 65.33, HD: 10.91
[left_kidney] Dice: 86.91, HD: 8.97
[right_kidney] Dice: 81.76, HD: 13.58
[liver] Dice: 94.33, HD: 7.40
[pancreas] Dice: 57.86, HD: 12.13
[spleen] Dice: 88.16, HD: 14.37
[stomach] Dice: 79.01, HD: 16.99
[mean] Dice: 79.69, HD: 11.89
The Synapse dataset used is identical to the Swin-Unet paper.
Access to the synapse multi-organ dataset: 1. Sign up in the official Synapse website and download the dataset. Convert them to numpy format, clip the images within [-125, 275], normalize each 3D image to [0, 1], and extract 2D slices from 3D volume for training cases while keeping the 3D volume in h5 format for testing cases. 2. You can also send an Email directly to [email protected] to request the preprocessed data for reproduction.
The directory structure of the synapse dataset is as follows:
├── test_vol_h5
│ ├── case0001.npy.h5
│ └── *.npy.h5
└── train_npz
├── case0005_slice000.npz
└── *.npz
- Download all the code contained in the "upstream" folder and install the required environments in "requirements.txt".
- Open "" and fill in the "dataset-path". Example: 'Synapse/train_npz'.
- Swin MoCo has two training approaches:
- For training Swin MoCo from scratch, you need to set weights=None.
- For training Swin MoCo with transfer learning, you need to download Swin Transformer's ImageNet-1K supervised model and set weights='swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.pth'.
- Run "". If all goes well, you will get the pre-trained model "model.pth" after training.
- Download all the code contained in the "downstream" folder and install the required environments in "requirements.txt".
- Open "" and fill in the "dataset_path". Example: 'Synapse/train_npz'.
- Fill in the "weights_path". Example: '../Swin MoCo/model/model.pth'.
- Run "". If all goes well, you will get the trained model "model-150.pth" after training.
- Open "" and fill in the "dataset_path". Example: 'Synapse/test_vol_h5'.
- Fill in the "weights_path". Example: 'trained_model/model-150.pth'.
- Run "". If all goes well, you will get the evaluation metrics recorded in "metric.txt".