This is a Mod for Farming Simulator 19. It adds shuttle shift, differential locks, wheel drive modes and improved hydraulics controls to your vehicle. It also shows more vehicle details on the HUD.
NOTE: The only source of truth is: The second valid download location is: All other download locations are not validated by me - so handle with care.
(c) 2018-2020 by ZhooL. Be so kind to credit me when using this mod or the source code (or parts of it) somewhere.
Key | Action |
Space | (shuttle shift) switch driving direction |
L Ctrl+Space | turn shuttle shift functionality on/off |
Insert / Delete | switch driving direction directly to forward/backward |
End | turn parking brake on/off |
Num 7 | enable/disable front axle differential lock |
Num 8 | enable/disable back axle differential lock |
Num 9 | switch wheel drive mode between 4WD (four wheel drive) or 2WD (two wheel drive) |
Num / | reset mods HUD elements to its default position use this if you messed up the config or changed the GUI scale |
Num * | reload XML config from disk to show modifications immediately without restarting the complete game |
L Alt+1 | rear attached devices up/down |
L Alt+2 | rear attached devices on/off |
L Alt+3 | front attached devices up/down |
L Alt+4 | front attached devices on/off |
- When the game starts, it changes all "motorized" and "controllable" vehicles on the map to default settings: wheel drive mode to "all-wheel (4WD)" and deactivation of both differentials.
- Add a shuttle shift (incl. parking brake) functionality. If enabled you have to select a driving direction, and the vehicle will only drive in that direction if the acceleration key is pressed.
- On HUD it displays:
- An indicator for shuttle shift status.
- Damage values in % for controlled vehicle and all its attachments.
- Fuel fill level for Diesel and AdBlue and the current fuel usage rate1.
- The current status of the differential locks and wheel drive mode.
- The current engine RPM and temperature1.
- The current mass of the vehicle and the total mass1 of vehicle and all its attachments and loads.
- Keybindings can be changed in the game options menu.
- If mod 'keyboardSteeringMogli' is detected, some HUD elements are moved a bit to avoid overlap.
- Vehicles without AdBlue/DEF will produce more black'n'blue exhaust smoke.
1 In multiplayer games, all clients, except the host, won't display the fuel usage rate, engine temperature and mass correctly due to GIANTS Engine fail
- Work on consoles. Buy a PC for proper gaming.
- Multi-language support (right now it's a mix of German and English)
Make Strohablage great again!