email: [email protected]
Using the Vagrantfile in root directory.
Run vagrant up
It will automaticly deploy a native virtual machine for you
sometims it may not automatically install grpc for you
run the command below to install grpc
git clone -b $(curl -L
cd grpc
git submodule update --init
sudo make install prefix=/usr/local/
compile: In the root
cd kvstore
make // may need to make several times
In kvstore make their unittests(kvstore tested in unittestkvhelper
cd utils
make // may need to make several times
compile: In the root
cd service
make serive ## (may need to make several times) build service rpc service without unittest
If you want to make them all
cd service
make (may need to make several times)
cd utils
compile: In the root
cd command
make (may need to make several times
If I want to regist with a name like Adam
In root/command/
./command -regist=Adam
If I want to chirp some thing like Hellow World with a name like Adam
In root/command/
./command -user=Adam -chirp="Hello World"
If user do not exists, It will return a blank chirp with a hint like user name do not exists
If I want to chirp some thing like Hellow Adam with a name like Rick and reply this message to a given id like 6501687367827456
This ID is send to the user as a part of chirp reply
In root/command/
./command -user=Morty -chirp="Hello Adam" -reply="6501687367827456"
If your user name is Adam and want to follow Morty.
In root/command/
./command -user=Adam -follow=Morty
If you want to monitor Adam
In root/command/
./command -user=Adam -monitor