Demonstration on Joint k-q-slice rEconsTruction framework for Shift-encoded (JETS) Diffusion MRI at 7 T
Figure 1. (A) An example diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI, or DW-MRI) acquisition based on three-shot interleaved echo-planar imaging (iEPI). (B) The proposed shift encoding scheme. Given the use of three-shot iEPI, every three columns have the same color, representing one DWI acquisition. The subsequent DWI acquisition is shifted by one
Figure 2. Navigator-based iEPI with consistent effective echo spacing between the imaging and the navigator echo - where iEPI meets readout-segmented EPI (rsEPI). This enables (1) minimal distortion mismatch between imaging and navigator echoes, (2) reliable shot-to-shot phase variation estimation, and (3) flexible number of shots.
Figure 3. An illustration of the formation of the forward operator in our joint k-q-slice reconstruction. The indices 'x' and 'y' denote the image size, 'z' denotes the multi-band slices, 'q' denotes the diffusion encoding, 's' denotes the shots, and 'c' denotes the coil sensitivities.
With the above forward model, the reconstruction jointly and iteratively solves for multi-band and multi-diffusion-direction images.
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Title = {{Accelerated Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 7 T: Joint Reconstruction for Shift-Encoded Navigator-based Interleaved Echo Planar Imaging (JETS-NAViEPI)}},
Author = {Tan, Zhengguo and Liebig, Patrick A and Heidemann, Robin M and Laun, Frederik B and Knoll, Florian},
Journal = {Imaging Neuroscience},
Year = {2024},
Volume = {2},
Pages = {1-15},
doi = {10.1162/imag_a_00085}