Entire glyph list (warning, large image at end)
Added Cyrillic alphabet (uppercase only for now)
Added Greek alphabet (uppercase only for now)
Copied Latin letters to accented Latin (no changes {for now?})
Moved some punctuation marks to (in my opinion) more sensible locations
(this was done as i found myself writing of lot of
str.replace(" ", "!")
)- " " - u0020: now the same width as the characters, taking the place of Exclam
- ; - u003B: now the blank alternative to :, taking the place of Space
- ! - now lower colon dot, taking the place of Hash/Octothorpe (mirroring ¡, upper colon dot)
- # - now fully filled character, taking the place of tilde
- ~ - now duplicate of hyphen
Added some auxiliary Latin letters
- Æ, æ - u00C6, u00E6
- Œ, œ, - u0152, u0153
- Ð, ð - u00D0, u00F0
- Ø, ø - u00D8, u00F8
- ß - u00DF
Added/changed various less significant punctuation marks:
- ¶ (pilcrow)
- ¢ (cent mark)
- ₩ (won sign)
Changed the form of some characters
(keshikan's version available at uFF10 – uFF5E, fullwidth latin block)
S - u0053: reverted to older form
" - u0022: changed to vertical (caron form is available at u21E9, downwards white arrow)
i - u0069: added tittle
j - u006A: changed form, added tittle
w - u0077: changed to rounded form
- Better glyphs for Æ, æ, œ, Ъ, Й, Ё, Ю, Ω,
- Add glyphs for ð, þ, Þ, ₤, €,
- Distinction between Е and Ё
- Tally marks? (𝍠, 𝍡, 𝍢) (for now use "_", "=", "Ξ")
- Box drawing characters? (ascii extended)
- Alternative letterforms in fullwidþ block
- 1, 2, 3, 5, 7,
- G, J, M, S, W, Y, Z,
- i, j, w,
Usage samples:
DSEG is a free font which imitate LCD Display (7SEG, 14SEG, Weather icons etc.). DSEG have special features:
- Includes the roman-alphabet and symbol glyphs.
- Many types(over 50) are available.
- Licensed under SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1. You can use DSEG for non-commercial and commercial purposes.
For more information, visit DSEG support page.
- English:https://www.keshikan.net/fonts-e.html
- Japanese:https://www.keshikan.net/fonts.html
Attention:Beta version may have compatibility issues with previous versions.
Install FontForge and Google woff2, and type below.
$ make
$ sudo apt-get install fonts-dseg
$ npm i dseg
- Changed source file structure.
- Added and Changed some glyphs. Thanks to [graphemecluster]
- Added "DEGREE SIGN"(U+00B0).
- Added "LOW LINE"(U+005F) on DSEG7.
- Fixed an issue where the period(U+002E) width had negative value.
- Added makefile and build script. (Merged #8 #9 . Thanks to alexmyczko)
- Added package.json and registerd npmjs.com. (merged #5. Thanks to nils-werner)
- Added WOFF2 file format.
- Added extended metadata block to *.woff and *.woff2.
- Assigned all-segment-off status to exclamation mark(U+0021).
- First released in Github.
- Added weather icons "DSEGWeather".
- The license has been changed to the SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1.
v0.1x-0.30(2014-09-07 to 2017-01-07)
- Older version(not recommended).
- The license is original, not OFL1.1. When use this, read the attached document please.
- Download v0.30
- Any font files(*.ttf, *.woff, *.sfd) are licensed under the SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1