- telegraf
- grafana
- influxdb
- influxdb_v2
- mongo
- nginx
- phpfpm
- elasticsearch
- nodejs + pm2
For learning purpouse created monitoring panels for pm2 using flux which is supported only by influxdb_v2
So in order to make telegraf work with inflxudb_v2 you have to generate token for telegraf in influxdb_v2 admin panel and create bucket named 'telegraf', then insert token in telegraf/env.telegraf
In order to make grafana work with influxdb_v2 you have to go to datasources and configure token there also, you can use admin's for learning purpose
Import on grafana admin panel dashboard and just paste whole grafana/dashboard.json
Nginx shoulnd't work untill you change nginx ip address in telegraf/telegraf.conf, I specified ip of my local network cause when accessing it via docker network nginx responses with internal server error ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.