Heroku Node+Postgres with Docker Example for CU Boulder CSCI 3308 Spring 2021 Lab 10
Build the docker images
docker-compose build
Once you setup the heroku-cli locally, get your API token with
heroku auth:token
Now copy the token into /heroku/.env
as an environment variable HEROKU_API_KEY
. This allows us to run the heroku-cli in a docker container. Most heroku commands can be ran locally, but we'll use this container for setting up Heroku Postgres.
We can access the heroku-cli container:
docker-compose run heroku-cli
Here postgres is installed, all we need to do is run the following.
heroku pg:psql --app <your-app-name>
We use docker-compose for local development. This uses a specific target stage (devapp
) of our Dockerfile to run nodemon. We also have a local database container db
We can run the development environment with:
docker-compose up
The final stage of our Dockerfile is prodapp
, which contains no development dependencies (e.g. nodemon).
To deploy it to Heroku, run the following:
# login to Registry
heroku container:login
# build and push to registry
heroku container:push web -a <app_name>
# release
heroku container:release web -a <app_name>
To check everything worked, open you're browser.
heroku open -a <app_name>
For more details, see the Heroku Container Registry & Runtime Documentation