A package for solving Heterogeneous Agent Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models.
This packages uses a coupled iteration scheme to solve nonlinear economic models that allows for a dependancy between agent's policy functions (i.e. households subject to idiosycratic shocks) and aggregate state variables' laws of motion. The inner loop/iteration solves the model equations using a backwards time iteration scheme that takes advantage of Julias function ASTs to provide exact and efficient calculation of the model Jacobian matrix. The outer loop uses Kolmogorov forward equation to find exact representations of the aggregate distribution of variables and thus aggregate laws of motion. This removes the need for the time consuming simulation required by most solution methods for economic models with heterogeneous agents.
Model specification requires 4 components.
- A set of equations (laws of motion and equilibrium conditions).
- The parameters used in the model.
- The state space variables, both endogenous and exogenous/stochastic.
- The definition/bounds of policy and other variables used in the model.
n equations F() written such that F = 0. Variables may have time indices [-1],[0] or [+1] which indicates the period in which the variables value is first known. Future variables (e.g. x[+1]) must be enclosed in an Expect()
function to indicate that expectations of that expression are to be calculated. Variables indexed by [-1]
are endogenous state variables. The equations may contain the following mathematical functions:
- /
- ^
- exp
- log
- max
- min
A simple list of parameters used in the model. Unicode characters may be used, (e.g. α = 0.33
These can be one of three types: endogenous, autoregressive or finite state Markov.
- Endogenous:
defines an endogenous state variable with lower/upper bounds given by lb/ub and the density of grid nodes in this dimension controlled byn
indicates the level of the sparse grid on which the model is solved in this dimension. - Autoregressive:
defines a process such thate[t+1] = (1-rho)*mu + rho*e[t] + sigma*epsilon
with grid density again specified byn
is a white noise process. - Markov:
e = ([lb,ub],T,n)
defines a finite state Markov process with equally spaced states betweenlb
. Transition matrixT
must be of size[m,m]
is given as:m = 1 if n = 0
m = 3 if n = 1
m = 2^n+1 if n > 1
Variables are defined as aggregate by placing a colon before the equals symbol:
- Policy:
defines a policy variable bounded by[lb,ub]
with the initial policy function defined byinit
. This expression can only contain state variables. - Dependant:
x = expr
defines a placeholder variable that will be substituted into the model equations. For examplelambda = c^-2.5
leads to all instances oflambda
being replaced in the set of equations. All instances oflambda[+1]
are replaced byc[+1]^-2.5
. Dependant variables must be defined in order so that one may definelambda2 = lambda*2
after but not before the previous declaration. - Exogenous:
x = 0.4
initialises the variablex
with the same value over the entire grid. Following the declaration of modelM
this variable can be altered usingM[:x] = V
where V is either a number or vector of sizelength(M)
and the model resolved with this new value. - Aggregate:
defines an aggregate variableX
whose value is initialised as numberv
defines the expression or variable that is integrated to give the aggregate variable. Following the solution of the modelM
can be updated by callingupdateA(M)
solve(M,maxiter=1000,ϕ=0.8;crit = 1e-6)
Solves the equation of the model until the maximum equation errors are smaller than crit
or the number of iterations exceeds the limit. ϕ
is a dampening parameter that can be set between 0
and 1
where the lower value results in no changes to policy functions.
Updates aggregate variables of agents over the state space. First it constructs a transition matrix over a tensor grid of the state grid. The transition matrix is then used to try to find a stable distribution over the tensor grid.
Model variables can be accessed using the name and time index,M[:x,ts]
. The distribution of agents over the state space is located in M.distribution.d
],:[b = (-2,10.,8)
η = (1,0.9,0.1,1)
W = (1,0.9,0.01,1)
],:[b = (-2,10.,b*0.95)
h = (0,1,0.7)
c = W*h*η+R*b[-1]-b
λ = c^-σc
Uh = ϕh*(1-h)^-σh
B = ∫(b,0.0)
H = ∫(h*η,0.3)
],:[β = 0.98
σc = 2.5
ϕh = 2.0
σh = 2.0
R = 1.0166])