I decided to begin with create-react-app becase it's great for rapid prototyping. Having a starter build with tons of out of the box functionality really gets these things going faster. In a real production build I would prefer to role my own setup as there is a lot of code bloat in pre-built solutions.
create-react-app comes pre-rolled with jest for testing but I like the assertion support added by enzyme so I tossed that into the mix and then I needed to moch fetching for data retrieval so I threw in jest-fetch-moch for out of the box fetch support for my tests. I did not get to write enough tests.
To get going follow the following:
clone this repo
git clone [email protected]:ZRogerson/Stackline.git
start the application
npm start
run some tests
npm run test
After npm run test you will need to select option 'a' to run all tests as there are no new tests since the last commit.