This is the official Yukiko discord bot Git. Here we are working on the production version of Yukiko the the version you don't host yourself.
If you want to use the open-source version Asthriona is still working on it and git it updates every now and then.
You can find the open sources version on Asthriona's profile with all the info you need to install it.
Please, Login on Yukiko's dashboard and click on Server then you can add yukiko to any of your server.
Keep in mind Yukiko and her website is still in early developement.
If you want to support our work, please feel free to make a donation via Ko-fi.
Any donation is for Yukiko Directly. (for the server bills, and domains).
You can surely help us with code by taking a look at it on the open-source version, if you PR an interesting function we may contact you to add it to this version aswel.