# This file is for zig-specific build artifacts.
# If you have OS-specific or editor-specific files to ignore,
# such as *.swp or .DS_Store, put those in your global
# ~/.gitignore and put this in your ~/.gitconfig:
# [core]
# excludesfile = ~/.gitignore
# Cheers!
# -andrewrk
# Although this was renamed to .zig-cache, let's leave it here for a few
# releases to make it less annoying to work with multiple branches.
- Welcome to Ziglings! This project contains a series of tiny broken programs. By fixing them, you'll learn how to read and write Zig code.
Those tiny broken programs need your help! (You'll also save the planet from evil aliens and help some friendly elephants stick together, which is very sweet of you.)
This project was directly inspired by the brilliant and fun rustlings project for the Rust language. Indirect inspiration comes from Ruby Koans and the Little LISPer/Little Schemer series of books.
This will probably be difficult if you've never programmed before. But no specific programming experience is required. And in particular, you are not expected to have any prior experience with "systems programming" or a "systems" level language such as C.
Each exercise is self-contained and self-explained. However, you're encouraged to also check out these Zig language resources for more detail:
Also, the Zig community is incredibly friendly and helpful!
Zig Tutorial part 1 __ Simon Clavet
Zig 프로그래밍 언어 배우기 ( Zig 설치하기 언어 개요 스타일 가이드 포인터 스택 메모리 힙 메모리 및 할당자 제네릭 Zig로 코딩하기
Zig 프로그래밍 언어 배우기 ( Zig 설치하기 언어 개요 스타일 가이드 포인터 스택 메모리 힙 메모리 및 할당자 제네릭 Zig로 코딩하기
(zig_lings)Global Young __ zig languages exerciese
Zig Exercieses series
- hello zig, std, assignment
한글지그Zig강의_001_hello world_std_assignment_Zig Programming Language tutorial
- array
한글지그Zig강의 __ 모아 보기 Series Zig Language tutorial