Tool to unpack PSX PBP and convert to .BIN & .cue files Ready for Playstation Classic
So what the hell is PSXBINq anyways? And why does this exist? After hours of searching for the right PBP unpacker that gives me the correct .Bin & .Cue files to work on the Playstation Classic, I ended up finding this tiny little exe application called "PSXtract.exe" and you would open up CMD and run some codes to generate some results that Give you the .Bin & .Cue files I so desperately needed to load my USB Thumb drive full of AWESOME Playstation Classics! That little exe did the trick but it wasn't good enough I need more, I needed BETTER. So I started playing around with command lines and finally ended up a totally over the top advanced system of Batch files that automatically takes any EBOOT.PBP file and unpacks and converts them to BIN/CUE files then renames and sends to the "transfer" folder ready to be copied to your USB drive.
Step One. run "PSXBINq.exe" located in root folder. You would be promted to add Games to the "psx" folder that was just created and popped up in a new window. after adding the Games/EBOOT.PBP files Click to continue. From within the PSXBINq application you will have three options to choose from.
- Unpack EBOOT.PBP
- Delete EBOOT.PBP
- Exit
Choose Option 1 to Unpack and transfer ALL the PSX EBOOT.PBP files from psx folder.
Choose Option 2 to Delete untouched EBOOT.PBP from the downloaded GAME directory. Do you want to Delete the Eboot.PBP? If you Press Y for Yes, this will delete EBOOT.PBP. If you Press N for No, This will keep the untouched EBOOT.PBP.
**PSX PBP files are located in "\psx\TITLEID\EBOOT.PBP"
Choose Option 3 to Exit PSXBINq. After Exiting you may copy over the "transfer" folder that contains the Games .BIN & .Cue files to you're USB Thumb drive for Playstation Classic. Works with latest Project Eris or AutoBleem.
Hope you find this little tool helpful and feedback is welcomed. Enjoy, Mizzy