This repo provides a Maven version of the ISD labs for VS Code users.
Make sure you first install:
- Java JDK (
- Maven ( Select the binary version not Source
To Run The Project:
Open 2 terminals, side by side in VsCode:
Every time you make a change, run:
mvn package
In the other terminal, just run the following & leave it open for as long as you are developing:
mvn jetty:run
Then, open a web browser & visit: http://localhost:8080
To run unit tests: mvn test
Macos Users will need to edit their bash_profile file in ~/.bash_profile
Please add the following (Update the path to be wherever you downloaded the maven folder):
export M2_HOME="/Users/jack/Downloads/apache-maven-3.6.3"
export PATH
You can confirm maven was succesfully installed by running mvn
in your terminal.
After installing Maven, search for environment variables in windows. This will open a dialogue like so:
Click the new button under system variables & add one called MAVEN_HOME with a link to the downloaded zip file:
Find the PATH Variable under user variables & click edit. On the next screen, add a new entry with the value %MAVEN_HOME%\bin
Close all the menus, reload a terminal window & you can confirm maven was succesfully installed by running mvn
in your terminal.
You need to set up a local database. In this project, we are using the MariaDB, a popular open source relational databases. MariaDB is included as a dependency on pom.xml. The driver name is org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
, and the default url is jdbc:mariadb://<host>:<port>/<database>
Servlets rely on the Java Servlet API, which is not part of the standard Java SE library. You need to include the Servlet API as a dependency in your Maven project.
A Servlet-based web application requires a specific directory structure (e.g., src/main/webapp for web resources like HTML, JSP, and WEB-INF).
java/ # Java source files (e.g., Servlets)
resources/ # Configuration files (e.g., properties, XML)
webapp/ # Web resources (e.g., HTML, JSP, CSS, JS)
WEB-INF/ # Configuration files (e.g., web.xml)
Servlets run inside a Servlet container (e.g., Apache Tomcat, Jetty). You need to configure your project to work with a Servlet container for deployment and testing. Add the below code in your pom.xml.
Create Servlet classes and configure them according to the workshop materials on Canvas.
This project is based on the original repo: Thanks to @jiak1 for their work!