dependencies {
EmptyObjectGenerator is a Kotlin utility class that automatically generates objects with desired default values. It inherently supports Kotlin's primitive types and extends its support to 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional arrays. Additionally, users have the flexibility to add custom support.
Note : If your object has self-referencing behavior, please read and use 'Self Reference.
val string: String
val char: Char
val int: Int
val long: Long
val float: Float
val double: Double
val boolean: Boolean
val list: List<Any>
val set: Set<Any>
val map: Map<Any, Any>
val stringSingleArray: Array<String>
val charSingleArray: CharArray
val intSingleArray: IntArray
val longSingleArray: LongArray
val floatSingleArray: FloatArray
val doubleSingleArray: DoubleArray
val booleanSingleArray: BooleanArray
val listArray: Array<List<Any>>
val setArray: Array<Set<Any>>
val mapArray: Array<Map<Any, Any>>
val stringNestedArray: Array<Array<String>>
val charNestedARray: Array<CharArray>
val intNestedArray: Array<IntArray>
val longNestedArray: Array<LongArray>
val floatNestedArray: Array<FloatArray>
val doubleNestedArray: Array<DoubleArray>
val booleanNestedArray: Array<BooleanArray>
val listNestedArray: Array<Array<List<Any>>>
val setNestedArray: Array<Array<Set<Any>>>
val mapNestedArray: Array<Array<Map<Any, Any>>>
Method | Description |
generate |
Used to create an empty object. |
addCustomSupportType |
Allows specifying the return type for the generated empty object. |
clearCustomTypeSupport |
Resets all registered custom types. |
Parameter | Type | Description | Default Value | Required |
clazz | KClass | The Kotlin class for which an object needs to be generated. | - | Yes |
isNullable | Boolean | Internal data can be null. This can only be used if there is a nullable mark. | false | No |
defaultString | String | The default value for String types. | "empty" | No |
defaultChar | Char | The default value for Char types. | Char.MIN_VALUE | No |
defaultInt | Int | The default value for Int types. | 0 | No |
defaultLong | Long | The default value for Long types. | 0L | No |
defaultFloat | Float | The default value for Float types. | 0.0f | No |
defaultDouble | Double | The default value for Double types. | 0.0 | No |
defaultBoolean | Boolean | The default value for Boolean types. | false | No |
defaultArraySize | Int | The default size for 1-dimensional arrays. | 0 | No |
defaultInnerArraySize | Int | The default size for 2-dimensional arrays. | 0 | No |
emptyValue | EmptyValue? | Customizable empty value for additional support beyond primitive types. | null | No |
Parameter | Description | Type | Default Value | Required |
clazz |
Represents the class of the supported custom Kotlin type. | KClass<*> |
- | Yes |
defaultValue |
Represents the default value for the specified Kotlin type. | Any |
- | Yes |
Parameter | Description | Type | Default Value | Required |
(No parameters) | (No parameters for this method) | - | - | No |
- The usual method involves receiving the return value and then utilizing it.
val result: YourClass = EmptyObjectGenerator.generate(YourClass::class)
- You can use it directly within the method block without receiving the return value.
EmptyObjectGenerator.generate(YourClass::class) {
data class EmptyPrimitiveObject(
val string: String? = null,
val char: Char? = null,
val int: Int? = null,
val long: Long? = null,
val float: Float? = null,
val double: Double? = null,
val boolean: Boolean? = null,
val list: List<Any>? = null,
val set: Set<Any>? = null,
val map: Map<Any, Any>? = null
val emptyPrimitiveObject = EmptyObjectGenerator.generate(EmptyPrimitiveObject::class)
string = "empty",
char = Char.MIN_VALUE,
int = 0,
long = 0,
float = 0.0f,
double = 0.0,
boolean = false,
list = [],
set = [],
map = {}
//if you use parameter nullable = true
val emptyPrimitiveObjectIsNullable = EmptyObjectGenerator.generate(EmptyPrimitiveObject::class, isNullable = true)
string = null,
char = null,
int = null,
long = null,
float = null,
double = null,
boolean = null,
list = null,
set = null,
map = null
data class ComplexEmptyPrimitiveObject(
val nullableString: String? = null,
val nullableChar: Char? = null,
val nullableInt: Int? = null,
val nullableLong: Long? = null,
val float: Float,
val double: Double,
val boolean: Boolean,
val nullableList: List<Any>? = null,
val set: Set<Any>,
val nullableMap: Map<Any, Any>? = null,
val complexEmptyPrimitiveObject = EmptyObjectGenerator.generate(ComplexEmptyPrimitiveObject::class, isNullable = true)
nullableString = null,
nullableChar = null,
nullableInt = null,
nullableLong = null,
float = 0.0f,
double = 0.0,
boolean = false,
nullableList = null,
set = [],
nullableMap = null
data class EmptyArrayObject(
val stringArray: Array<String>? = null,
val charArray: CharArray? = null,
val intArray: IntArray? = null,
val longArray: LongArray? = null,
val floatArray: FloatArray? = null,
val doubleArray: DoubleArray? = null,
val booleanArray: BooleanArray? = null,
val listArray: Array<List<Any>>? = null,
val setArray: Array<Set<Any>>? = null,
val mapArray: Array<Map<Any, Any>>? = null
val emptyArrayObject = EmptyObjectGenerator.generate(EmptyArrayObject::class, defaultArraySize = 5)
stringArray = ["empty", "empty", "empty", "empty", "empty"],
intArray = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
longArray = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
floatArray = [0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f],
doubleArray = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
booleanArray = [false, false, false, false, false],
listArray = [[], [], [], [], []],
setArray = [[], [], [], [], []],
mapArray = [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}]
//if you use parameter nullable = true
val emptyArrayObjectIsNullable =
EmptyObjectGenerator.generate(EmptyArrayObject::class, defaultArraySize = 5, isNullable = true)
stringArray = null,
charArray = null,
intArray = null,
longArray = null,
floatArray = null,
doubleArray = null,
booleanArray = null,
listArray = null,
setArray = null,
mapArray = null
data class EmptyNestedArrayObject(
val stringNestedArray: Array<Array<String>>? = null,
val charNestedArray: Array<CharArray>? = null,
val intNestedArray: Array<IntArray>? = null,
val longNestedArray: Array<LongArray>? = null,
val floatNestedArray: Array<FloatArray>? = null,
val doubleNestedArray: Array<DoubleArray>? = null,
val booleanNestedArray: Array<BooleanArray>? = null,
val listNestedArray: Array<Array<List<Any>>>? = null,
val setNestedArray: Array<Array<Set<Any>>>? = null,
val mapNestedArray: Array<Array<Map<Any, Any>>>? = null
val emptyNestedArrayObject = EmptyObjectGenerator.generate(
defaultArraySize = 2,
defaultInnerArraySize = 5
stringNestedArray = [["empty", "empty", "empty", "empty", "empty"], ["empty", "empty", "empty", "empty", "empty"]],
intNestedArray = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]],
longNestedArray = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]],
floatNestedArray = [[0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f], [0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f]],
doubleNestedArray = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]],
booleanNestedArray = [[false, false, false, false, false], [false, false, false, false, false]],
listNestedArray = [[[], [], [], [], []]],
setNestedArray = [[[], [], [], [], []]],
mapNestedArray = [[{}, {}, {}, {}, {}]]
//if you use parameter nullable = true
val emptyNestedArrayObjectIsNullable = EmptyObjectGenerator.generate(
isNullable = true,
defaultArraySize = 2,
defaultInnerArraySize = 5
stringNestedArray = null,
charNestedArray = null,
intNestedArray = null,
longNestedArray = null,
floatNestedArray = null,
doubleNestedArray = null,
booleanNestedArray = null,
listNestedArray = null,
setNestedArray = null,
mapNestedArray = null
data class ComplexObject(
val int: Int,
val stringNullable: String? = null,
val list: List<Any>,
val listNullable: List<Any>? = null,
val complexInnerObject: ComplexInnerObject? = null
data class ComplexInnerObject(
val boolean: Boolean,
val doubleArrayNullable: DoubleArray? = null,
val floatNestedArray: Array<FloatArray>
val complexObject = EmptyObjectGenerator.generate(
defaultArraySize = 1,
defaultInnerArraySize = 2
int = 0,
stringNullable = "empty",
list = [],
listNullable = [],
complexInnerObject = ComplexInnerObject(
boolean = false,
doubleArrayNullable = [0.0],
floatNestedArray = [[0.0, 0.0]]
//if you use parameter nullable = true
val complexObjectNullable = EmptyObjectGenerator.generate(
isNullable = true,
defaultArraySize = 1,
defaultInnerArraySize = 2
int = 0,
stringNullable = null,
list = [],
listNullable = null,
complexInnerObject = null
- If you use a custom support it returns only default value
- Objects registered with custom support are globally accessible, so use them with care to avoid unintended side effects throughout your application.
data class EmptySupportTestObject(
val intArray: IntArray? = null,
val innerObject: EmptySupportTestInnerObject? = null
data class EmptySupportTestInnerObject(
val int: Int? = null,
val string: String? = null
//add custom type support
val defaultValue = EmptySupportTestObject(
intArray = IntArray(10) { 1 },
int = 10,
string = "innerObject"
clazz = EmptySupportTestObject::class,
defaultValue = defaultValue
val supportTypeObject = EmptyObjectGenerator.generate(EmptySupportTestObject::class)
intArray = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
innerObject = EmptySupportTestInnerObject(
int = 10,
string = "innerObject"
//if you use parameter nullable = true
val emptySupportTestObjectNullable = EmptyObjectGenerator.generate(EmptySupportTestObject::class, isNullable = true)
intArray = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
innerObject = EmptySupportTestInnerObject(
int = 10,
string = "innerObject"
Note : To enable self-referencing, it is essential to allow null for the respective field.
data class SelfReferenceObject(
val data: Any,
val self: SelfReferenceObject?
val selfReferenceObject = EmptyObjectGenerator.generate(SelfReferenceObject::class)