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edit the env.development.local with the appropiate VUE_APP_GMAP_API_KEY
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint
- Use the form to set your current location (address, city, country), no need to fill the 3 of them, but for address I would recommend also filling city
- Or if you already know your lat and lng, you can set it up manually
- finally, when the lat and lng are set, click on the get nearby points
- As I said before, I'm not a FE dev, thus the app looks ugly
- there are no unitests (time constraint), though the project is ready to use them with jest
- I feel the compass app could be splitted into components, but to communicate between them I would need to add somthing like vuex
- when entering the compass, it could be possible to use the geolocalization capabilities of the web browser to center the map, I didn't add it because I felt it would defeat the pourpuse of the address form
- the about page with a background and a parallax scrolling effect could be nice
- using modals from vuetify instead of an alert if address is not found.
- Reset only clears the