Compute streamfunction, velocity potential and helmholtz decomposition from non-global wind data.
Implemented following:
Li, Zhijin and Chao, Yi and McWilliams, James C., 2006: Computation of the Streamfunction and Velocity Potential for Limited and Irregular Domains. Monthly Weather Review, 3384-3394.
1. To solve for streamfunction (psi) and velocity potential (chi) from u- and v- winds, on a uniform grid (uniform dx and dy everywhere):
u and v are given in even grid (n x m).
streamfunction (psi) and velocity potential (chi) are defined on a dual grid ((n+1) x (m+1)), where psi and chi are defined on the 4 corners of u and v.
u = u_chi + u_psi
v = v_chi + v_psi
u_psi = -dpsi/dy
v_psi = dpsi/dx
u_chi = dchi/dx
v_chi = dchi/dy
Define 2 2x2 kernels:
k_x = |-0.5 0.5|
|-0.5 0.5| / dx
k_y = |-0.5 -0.5|
|0.5 0.5| / dy
Then u_chi = chi \bigotimes k_x where \bigotimes is cross-correlation,
v_chi = chi \bigotimes k_y
u_psi = psi \bigotimes -k_y
v_psi = psi \bigotimes k_x
Define cost function J = (uhat - u)**2 + (vhat - v)**2
Gradients of chi and psi:
dJ/dchi = (uhat - u) du_chi/dchi + (vhat - v) dv_chi/dchi
dJ/dpsi = (uhat - u) du_psi/dpsi + (vhat - v) dv_psi/dpsi
(uhat - u) du_chi/dchi = (uhat - u) \bigotimes Rot180(k_x) = (uhat - u) \bigotimes -k_x
(vhat - v) dv_chi/dchi = (vhat - v) \bigotimes Rot180(k_y) = (vhat - v) \bigotimes -k_y
(uhat - u) du_psi/dpsi = (uhat - u) \bigotimes k_y
(vhat - v) dv_psi/dpsi = (vhat - v) \bigotimes Rot180(k_x) = (vhat - v) \bigotimes -k_x
Rot180() is a 180 degree rotation, and for k_x and k_y, it's the same as the inverting the sign. This Rot180() process is similar as the error back-propagation process in the convolutional neural network training process.
Add the regularization term:
J = (uhat - u)**2 + (vhat - v)**2 + lambda(chi**2 + psi**2)
2. To solve for streamfunction and velocity potential from u- and v- winds on irregular grid (e.g. mercator):
Use similar definition of cost function and gradients, except that the computation of component winds and derivatives are performed on steps for NE, NW, SE, SW qudarants:
u_chi = 0.5*((vp[:-1,1:]-vp[:-1,:-1])/dx_n + (vp[1:,1:]-vp[1:,:-1])/dx_s)
v_chi = 0.5*((vp[1:,:-1]-vp[:-1,:-1])/dy_w + (vp[1:,1:]-vp[:-1,1:])/dy_e)
u_psi = -0.5*((sf[1:,:-1]-sf[:-1,:-1])/dy_w + (sf[1:,1:]-sf[:-1,1:])/dy_e)
v_psi = 0.5*((sf[:-1,1:]-sf[:-1,:-1])/dx_n + (sf[1:,1:]-sf[1:,:-1])/dx_s)
du_chi/dchi, dv_chi/dchi, du_psi/dpsi and dv_psi/dpsi are also compose
by 4 quadrants, see code for details.
# read in some wind data as `u` and `v` via cdms
# create an wind obj, optimization will use gradient descent
# compute streamfunction and velocity potential
# get irrotational and non-divergent components
# create an wind obj, optimization will use scipy.optimize (recommended)
# recompute and interpolate to the same grid of u and v