This is the R Simulation code for the DLSA method.
Zhu X, Li F, & Wang H. Least Squares Approximation for a Distributed System. arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.04904, 2019.
Please run '' to obtain the Example 1--Example 5.
- main.R: main code file, which outputs all simulation results
- wlse_func: five regressions with DLSA implementation
- dlsa_alasso_func: shrinkage DLSA estimation functions
- func_others: other functions, e.g., output function, format function and others.
- simulator: simulate data in local workers
CSL method: proposed by Jordan and Yang (2019, JASA) [in the file comparison]
- dlsa_compare.R: main demo code, which runs the distributed logistic regression and compares with CSL method
- compare_func.R: functions which implement CSL method
See for more details.