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lua + lvgl = luavgl

luavgl is currently under development.

A flappy bird game is ready for showoff.

The simulator is built with cmake and has been tested on ubuntu and mac, but not on windows. If you need to build under windows please xmake, which has also been tested under ubuntu.


luavgl is a wrapper around lvgl core functions and widgets with class inherence in mind, which is lvgl trying to do in C. Lua makes widgets inherence happens smoothly.

luavgl does not support APIs for low level hardware initialization, lvgl setup etc. Those initialization must be done before executing lua scripts.

luavgl mainly targets for embedded device, a simulator has been provided for preview and tested on Ubuntu/macOS.

local root = lvgl.Object()
root:set { w = lvgl.HOR_RES(), h = lvgl.VER_RES() }

-- flex layout and align
root:set {
    flex = {
        flex_direction = "row",
        flex_wrap = "wrap",
        justify_content = "center",
        align_items = "center",
        align_content = "center",
    w = 300,
    h = 75,
    align = lvgl.ALIGN.CENTER

-- create obj on root
local obj = root:Object()

-- create image on root and set position/img src/etc. properties.
local img = root:Image {
    src = "res/image.png",
    x = 0,
    y = 0,
    bg_color = "#112233" -- #RRGGBB, 0xRRGGBB or "#RGB"
    pad_all = 0

-- change image properties.

img:set {
    src = "/assets/lvgl-logo.png",
    align = lvgl.ALIGN.CENTER,

-- create animation on object
img:Anim {
    run = true,
    start_value = 0,
    end_value = 3600,
    duration = 2000,
    repeat_count = 2,
    path = "bounce",
    exec_cb = function(obj, value)
        obj:set {
            angle = value

-- create Label on root and set its font
local label = root:Label {
    text = string.format("Hello %03d", 123),
    text_font = lvgl.Font("montserrat", 24, "normal"),
    -- or builtin font:
    -- text_font = lvgl.BUILTIN_FONT.MONTSERRAT_22,
    align = {
        type = lvgl.ALIGN.CENTER,
        x_ofs = 0,
        y_ofs = 100,

Embedded device

For embedded device, lvgl environment must setup before using luavgl. Once lvgl and lua interpreter are up and running, add the luavgl.c to sources for compiling. And make sure luaopen_lvgl is added to global lib. Below is example from simulator/main.c shows this exact method.

  /* add `lvgl` module to global package table */
  luaL_requiref(L, "lvgl", luaopen_luavgl, 1);
  lua_pop(L, 1);

LuaJIT support

Supporting LuaJIT is done by adding deps/lua-compat-5.3.


I personally using vscode plus extension Lua.

File src/lvgl.lua is used for linting.

Run on RTOS nuttx

Check the ready-to-go examples luavgl-nuttx-example

PC simulator

Currently compile luavgl to so or dll is NOT available.

luavgl depends on lvgl and various configurations(lv_conf.h), thus cannot run without a working lvgl environment. The simulator provided in this repo can be used as example if luavgl is required on PC.

Make sure clone the submodules, luavgl simulator comes directly from lvgl simulator with lua added.

git clone --recursive

# or
git submodule update --init



To run simulator on PC, make sure lua header is available, you may need to install below packages.

sudo apt install libsdl2-dev lua5.3 liblua5.3-dev

Both lua5.3 and lua5.4 are supported. Versions below 5.2 has not been verified but should work through deps/lua-compat-5.3.


Compiling with xmake does not require you to install libsdl2 and lua yourself. xmake calls the package manager xrepo, which downloads libsdl2 and lua from github and applies them to the simulator's project.

Build and run

cd build
make run # run simulator
xmake b simulator
xmake r # run simulator

Custom Widget

luavgl support custom widget, and use them in lua just like lvgl core widgets. An example is provided in simulator/extension.c

For custom widget, it should be registered to Lua after luavgl lib loaded.