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Unexpected behaviour in get_NM_adapter_type of net/ on master #4097

SimonMaenaut opened this issue Jan 12, 2024 · 1 comment
bug Something isn't working network


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SimonMaenaut commented Jan 12, 2024

Describe the bug
My system is running xpra (build from source with the latest commit on master) as a client and tries to connect to a remote xpra server.

For some reason connection.get_controller() in returns an integer on my system, which causes the xpra client to crash with the following error.

2024-01-12 18:15:24,111 error preparing connection: 'int' object has no attribute 'get_vendor'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/xpra/client/base/", line 396, in send_hello
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/xpra/client/gtk3/", line 828, in make_hello
    capabilities = UIXpraClient.make_hello(self)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/xpra/client/gui/", line 394, in make_hello
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/xpra/client/mixins/", line 135, in get_caps
    default_adapter_type = guess_adapter_type(get_NM_adapter_type(device_name) or device_name)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/xpra/net/", line 50, in get_NM_adapter_type
    log(f"NM device {device_name!r}: {nmdevice.get_vendor()} {nmdevice.get_product()}")
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'get_vendor'

To mitigate the issue I've added nmdevice = False on the line above the if statement.

If needed I'm willing to try different versions or possible patches.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. server command : xpra start --daemon=no --exit-with-children --start-child=my/program
  2. client command : xpra attach ssh://
  3. run the client command and wait

System Information (please complete the following information):

  • Server OS: Linux Ubuntu 20.04 focal
  • Client OS: Linux Arch
  • Xpra Server Version: 5.0.3-r1
  • Xpra Client Version: 6.0 commit b7225fd from master

Additional context

Build details install --without-nvidia
Xpra version 6.0
found Cython version 3.0.8
found pkg-config version: 2.1.0
using INCLUDE_DIRS=['/tmp/xpra-env/include', '/usr/include', '/usr/local/include']
build switches:
* PIC                  : Yes
* Xdummy               : Auto
* Xdummy_wrapper       : Auto
* annotate             : Yes
* argb                 : Yes
* audio                : Yes
* avif                 : Yes
* brotli               : Yes
* bundle_tests         : No
* client               : Yes
* clipboard            : Yes
* codecs               : Yes
* csc_cython           : Yes
* csc_libyuv           : No
* cuda_kernels         : No
* cuda_rebuild         : No
* cython               : Yes
* cython_tracing       : No
* cythonize_more       : No
* data                 : Yes
* dbus                 : Yes
* debug                : No
* docs                 : Auto
* drm                  : Yes
* enc_proxy            : Yes
* enc_x264             : Yes
* evdi                 : No
* example              : Yes
* gstreamer            : Yes
* gtk3                 : Yes
* gtk_x11              : Yes
* http                 : Yes
* jpeg_decoder         : Yes
* jpeg_encoder         : Yes
* keyboard             : Yes
* lz4                  : Yes
* mdns                 : Yes
* modules              : Yes
* netdev               : Yes
* notifications        : Yes
* nvdec                : No
* nvenc                : No
* nvfbc                : No
* nvidia               : No
* nvjpeg_decoder       : No
* nvjpeg_encoder       : No
* opengl               : Yes
* openh264             : Yes
* openh264_decoder     : Yes
* openh264_encoder     : Yes
* pam                  : /usr/include/security
* pandoc_lua           : Yes
* pillow               : Yes
* printing             : Yes
* proc                 : Yes
* proxy                : Yes
* qrencode             : Yes
* quic                 : Yes
* rebuild              : Yes
* rfb                  : Yes
* scripts              : Yes
* sd_listen            : Yes
* server               : Yes
* service              : Yes
* shadow               : Yes
* spng_decoder         : Yes
* spng_encoder         : Yes
* ssh                  : Yes
* strict               : No
* tests                : No
* uinput               : Yes
* v4l2                 : Yes
* verbose              : No
* vpx                  : Yes
* vsock                : Yes
* warn                 : Yes
* webcam               : Yes
* webp                 : Yes
* x11                  : Yes
* xdg_open             : Yes
* xinput               : Yes
'nvcc --version' failed with return code 127
stderr: None
updated './xpra/' with:
* BUILD_BIT            = 64bit
* BUILD_CPU            = AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 4750U with Radeon Graphics
* BUILD_DATE           = 2024-01-12
* BUILD_MACHINE        = x86_64
* BUILD_OS             = Linux Arch rolling n/a
* BUILD_TIME           = 18:58
* BUILT_BY             = simon
* BUILT_ON             = finneganfox
* COMPILER_VERSION     = gcc (GCC) 13.2.1 20230801
* CYTHON_VERSION       = 3.0.8
* LINKER_VERSION       = GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.41.0
* NVCC_VERSION         = 
* PYTHON_VERSION       = 3.11.6
* lib_gobject_introspection = 1.78.1
* lib_gtk              = 3.24.39
* lib_gtk_x11          = 3.24.39
* lib_py3cairo         = 1.25.1
* lib_pygobject        = 3.46.0
* lib_python3          = 3.11
* lib_python_Babel     = 2.12.1
* lib_python_CacheControl = 0.13.1
* lib_python_Cython    = 3.0.8
* lib_python_Deprecated = 1.2.14
* lib_python_Jinja2    = 3.1.2
* lib_python_Mako      = 1.3.0
* lib_python_Markdown  = 3.5.1
* lib_python_MarkupSafe = 2.1.3
* lib_python_PyChromecast = 13.0.8
* lib_python_PyGObject = 3.46.0
* lib_python_PyJWT     = 2.8.0
* lib_python_PyOpenGL  = 3.1.6
* lib_python_PyOpenGL_accelerate = 3.1.7
* lib_python_PyQt5     = 5.15.10
* lib_python_PyQt5_sip = 12.13.0
* lib_python_PySDL2    = 0.9.16
* lib_python_PyYAML    = 6.0.1
* lib_python_Pygments  = 2.17.2
* lib_python_SciPy     = 1.11.4
* lib_python_SecretStorage = 3.3.3
* lib_python_Send2Trash = 1.8.2
* lib_python_TBB       = 0.2
* lib_python_Unidecode = 1.3.7
* lib_python_annotated_types = 0.6.0
* lib_python_anyio     = 4.2.0
* lib_python_appdirs   = 1.4.4
* lib_python_argcomplete = 2.0.0
* lib_python_argon2_cffi = 23.1.0
* lib_python_argon2_cffi_bindings = 21.2.0
* lib_python_arrow     = 1.3.0
* lib_python_astropy   = 5.3.4
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* lib_python_async_lru = 2.0.4
* lib_python_async_timeout = 4.0.3
* lib_python_attrs     = 23.1.0
* lib_python_autocommand = 2.2.2
* lib_python_beautifulsoup4 = 4.12.2
* lib_python_binwalk   = 2.3.3
* lib_python_black     = 23.12.1
* lib_python_bleach    = 6.1.0
* lib_python_breezy    = 3.3.4
* lib_python_btrfsutil = 6.6.3
* lib_python_build     = 1.0.3
* lib_python_cachy     = 0.3.0
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* lib_python_certifi   = 2023.11.17
* lib_python_cffi      = 1.16.0
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* lib_python_click     = 8.1.7
* lib_python_colorama  = 0.4.6
* lib_python_comm      = 0.2.1
* lib_python_configobj = 5.0.8
* lib_python_contourpy = 1.2.0
* lib_python_coverage  = 6.5.0
* lib_python_crashtest = 0.4.1
* lib_python_cryptography = 41.0.7
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* lib_python_dbus_python = 1.3.2
* lib_python_debugpy   = 1.8.0
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* lib_python_deprecation = 2.1.0
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* lib_python_distro    = 1.9.0
* lib_python_dnspython = 2.4.2
* lib_python_dulwich   = 0.21.7
* lib_python_editables = 0.5
* lib_python_emoji     = 2.7.0
* lib_python_entrypoints = 0.4
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* lib_python_fasteners = 0.19
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* lib_python_gbinder_python = 1.1.2
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* lib_python_gmpy2     = 2.1.5
* lib_python_h11       = 0.14.0
* lib_python_hatch_jupyter_builder = 0.8.3
* lib_python_hatchling = 1.21.0
* lib_python_html5lib  = 1.1
* lib_python_httpcore  = 1.0.2
* lib_python_httpx     = 0.26.0
* lib_python_idna      = 3.5
* lib_python_ifaddr    = 0.2.0
* lib_python_importlib_metadata = 5.0.0
* lib_python_inflect   = 7.0.0
* lib_python_iniconfig = 2.0.0
* lib_python_installer = 0.7.0
* lib_python_ipykernel = 6.28.0
* lib_python_ipython   = 8.20.0
* lib_python_ipython_genutils = 0.2.0
* lib_python_isoduration = 20.11.0
* lib_python_isounidecode = 0.3
* lib_python_jaraco.classes = 3.3.0
* lib_python_jaraco.context = 4.3.0
* lib_python_jaraco.functools = 3.9.0
* lib_python_jaraco.text = 3.12.0
* lib_python_jedi      = 0.19.1
* lib_python_jeepney   = 0.8.0
* lib_python_json5     = 0.9.14
* lib_python_jsonpointer = 2.4
* lib_python_jsonschema = 4.20.0
* lib_python_jsonschema_specifications = 2023.12.1
* lib_python_jupyter_client = 8.6.0
* lib_python_jupyter_core = 5.7.1
* lib_python_jupyter_events = 0.9.0
* lib_python_jupyter_packaging = 0.12.3
* lib_python_jupyter_server = 2.12.4
* lib_python_jupyter_server_terminals = 0.5.1
* lib_python_jupyterlab = 4.0.10
* lib_python_jupyterlab_pygments = 0.3.0
* lib_python_jupyterlab_server = 2.25.2
* lib_python_keyring   = 24.3.0
* lib_python_kiwisolver = 1.4.5
* lib_python_lark      = 1.1.8
* lib_python_lensfun   = 0.3.4
* lib_python_libfdt    = 1.7.0
* lib_python_libvirt_python = 9.10.0
* lib_python_lit       = 16.0.6.dev0
* lib_python_lockfile  = 0.12.2
* lib_python_louis     = 3.28.0
* lib_python_lxml      = 4.9.2
* lib_python_lz4       = 4.3.3
* lib_python_markdown_it_py = 3.0.0
* lib_python_matplotlib = 3.8.2
* lib_python_matplotlib_inline = 0.1.6
* lib_python_mdurl     = 0.1.2
* lib_python_mercurial = 6.6.1
* lib_python_merge3    = 0.0.14
* lib_python_meson     = 1.3.1
* lib_python_mistune   = 2.0.5
* lib_python_more_itertools = 10.1.0
* lib_python_mpmath    = 1.3.0
* lib_python_mpris_server = 0.4.2
* lib_python_msgpack   = 1.0.5
* lib_python_musicbrainzngs = 0.7.1
* lib_python_mutagen   = 1.47.0
* lib_python_mypy_extensions = 1.0.0
* lib_python_natsort   = 8.4.0
* lib_python_nbclassic = 1.0.0
* lib_python_nbclient  = 0.9.0
* lib_python_nbconvert = 7.14.1
* lib_python_nbformat  = 5.9.2
* lib_python_nest_asyncio = 1.5.7
* lib_python_netifaces = 0.11.0
* lib_python_netsnmp_python = 1.0a1
* lib_python_nftables  = 0.1
* lib_python_notebook  = 7.0.6
* lib_python_notebook_shim = 0.2.3
* lib_python_numpy     = 1.26.3
* lib_python_ordered_set = 4.1.0
* lib_python_overrides = 7.4.0
* lib_python_packaging = 23.2
* lib_python_pandas    = 1.5.3
* lib_python_pandocfilters = 1.5.0
* lib_python_parso     = 0.8.3
* lib_python_pathspec  = 0.12.1
* lib_python_patiencediff = 0.2.14
* lib_python_pdfarranger = 1.10.1
* lib_python_pexpect   = 4.9.0
* lib_python_picard    = 2.10
* lib_python_pickleshare = 0.7.5
* lib_python_pikaur    = 1.18.3
* lib_python_pikepdf   = 8.11.2
* lib_python_pillow    = 10.2.0
* lib_python_pkginfo   = 1.9.6
* lib_python_platformdirs = 4.1.0
* lib_python_pluggy    = 1.3.0
* lib_python_ply       = 3.11
* lib_python_poetry    = 1.7.1
* lib_python_poetry_core = 1.8.1
* lib_python_poetry_plugin_export = 1.5.0
* lib_python_pooch     = 1.8.0
* lib_python_prometheus_client = 0.19.0
* lib_python_prompt_toolkit = 3.0.43
* lib_python_protobuf  = 4.25.1
* lib_python_psutil    = 5.9.7
* lib_python_ptyprocess = 0.7.0
* lib_python_pure_eval = 0.2.2
* lib_python_pwquality = 1.4.5
* lib_python_pyOpenSSL = 23.3.0
* lib_python_pyalpm    = 0.10.6
* lib_python_pycairo   = 1.25.1
* lib_python_pyclip    = 0.7.0
* lib_python_pycparser = 2.21
* lib_python_pycups    = 2.0.1
* lib_python_pydantic  = 2.5.3
* lib_python_pydantic_core = 2.14.6
* lib_python_pydbus    = 0.6.0
* lib_python_pyerfa    =
* lib_python_pylast    = 5.2.0
* lib_python_pyparsing = 3.1.1
* lib_python_pyproject_hooks = 1.0.0
* lib_python_pyrsistent = 0.19.3
* lib_python_pyserial  = 3.5
* lib_python_pyshtools = 0+unknown
* lib_python_pyte      = 0.8.2
* lib_python_pytest    = 7.4.4
* lib_python_pytest_jupyter = 0.8.0
* lib_python_pytest_tornasync = 0.6.0.post2
* lib_python_python_dateutil = 2.8.2
* lib_python_python_dbusmock = 0.30.2
* lib_python_python_json_logger = 2.0.7
* lib_python_pytz      = 2023.3.post1
* lib_python_pyxdg     = 0.28
* lib_python_pyzmq     = 25.1.2
* lib_python_qrtools   = 2.1
* lib_python_radiotray_ng_mpris = 0.1.1
* lib_python_rapidfuzz = 3.6.0
* lib_python_referencing = 0.32.0
* lib_python_rencode   = 1.0.6
* lib_python_requests  = 2.31.0
* lib_python_requests_toolbelt = 1.0.0
* lib_python_rfc3339_validator = 0.1.4
* lib_python_rfc3986_validator = 0.1.1
* lib_python_rich      = 13.7.0
* lib_python_rpds_py   = 0.15.2
* lib_python_ruamel.yaml = 0.17.40
* lib_python_ruamel.yaml.clib = 0.2.8
* lib_python_scour     = 0.38.2
* lib_python_seaborn   = 0.12.2
* lib_python_setproctitle = 1.3.3
* lib_python_shellingham = 1.5.0.post1
* lib_python_six       = 1.16.0
* lib_python_sniffio   = 1.3.0
* lib_python_soupsieve = 2.5
* lib_python_speedtest_cli = 2.1.3
* lib_python_sshuttle  = 1.1.1
* lib_python_stack_data = 0.6.3
* lib_python_svg2tikz  = 3.0.0
* lib_python_sympy     = 1.12
* lib_python_terminado = 0.18.0
* lib_python_testpath  = 0.6.0
* lib_python_tinycss2  = 1.2.1
* lib_python_tomli     = 2.0.1
* lib_python_tomlkit   = 0.12.3
* lib_python_tornado   = 6.3.2
* lib_python_tqdm      = 4.66.1
* lib_python_traitlets = 5.14.1
* lib_python_trove_classifiers = 2024.1.9
* lib_python_typing_extensions = 4.9.0
* lib_python_uc_micro_py = 1.0.2
* lib_python_uri_template = 1.3.0
* lib_python_urllib3   = 1.26.18
* lib_python_validate  = 5.0.8
* lib_python_validate_pyproject = 0.13.post1.dev0+gb752273.d20230520
* lib_python_virtualenv = 20.25.0
* lib_python_wcwidth   = 0.2.12
* lib_python_webcolors = 1.13
* lib_python_webencodings = 0.5.1
* lib_python_websocket_client = 1.7.0
* lib_python_wrapt     = 1.14.1
* lib_python_xarray    = 2023.1.0
* lib_python_xpra      = 6.0
* lib_python_yacl      = 0.5.0
* lib_python_youtube_dl = 2021.12.17
* lib_python_yt_dlp    = 2023.12.30
* lib_python_zeroconf  = 0.63.0
* lib_python_zipp      = 3.17.0
* lib_python_zstandard = 0.22.0
* lib_vpx              = 1.13.1
* lib_x11              = 1.8.7
* lib_x264             = 0.164.3108
* lib_xcomposite       = 0.4.6
* lib_xdamage          = 1.1.6
* lib_xext             = 1.3.5
* lib_xfixes           = 6.0.1
* lib_xkbfile          = 1.1.2
* lib_xrandr           = 1.5.4
* lib_xtst             = 1.2.4

@SimonMaenaut SimonMaenaut added the bug Something isn't working label Jan 12, 2024
totaam added a commit that referenced this issue Jan 13, 2024
Copy link

totaam commented Jan 13, 2024

Thanks for the report, the fix above should work (untested).

This was caused by #3623

@totaam totaam closed this as completed Jan 13, 2024
@totaam totaam added the network label Jan 13, 2024
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bug Something isn't working network
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2 participants