Just a quick way to install the tools (cli and gui) and dotfiles for daily basis in an unix distribution.
Take a look at defaults/main.yaml
to find which software is installed by default.
- hosts: localhost become: true roles: - xplouder.toolset
ansible localhost -bK -m include_role -a name=xplouder.toolset
ANSIBLE_LOAD_CALLBACK_PLUGINS=1 ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=yaml ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH=$(dirname $(pwd)) ansible localhost -bK -c local -m include_role -a name=$(basename $(pwd))
In order to ease the objective of this role, there is a small script to install everything needed automatically, all you need is python installed. just run the following command.
git clone <repository_url> toolset && cd toolset && ./install.sh
- correct
setup - add a variable to indicate if the computer have a SSD, if so, install and enable
service and timersystemctl enable fstrim.timer
systemctl enable fstrim.service
systemctl start fstrim.service