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Tea Bag is a simple implementation of TEA architecture written in Kotlin. This library is based on Kotlin's coroutines, extensively uses extension-based approach and supports both jvm and ios targets.

This library isn't production ready yet and was originally intended as pet project to give TEA a try. Later I found that it'd be nice to make it simpler and more lightweight than analogs, add debugging capabilities...

Quick Sample

Nothing special, we just need to code our initializer, resolver (tracker function), updater (computeNewStatefunction), and UI (renderSnapshot, function). After that we should pass them to an appropriate Component builder overload.


package io.github.xlopec.counter

import io.github.xlopec.tea.core.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking

/**Async initializer, provides initial state*/
suspend fun initializer(): Initial<Int, Int> = Initial(0)

/**Some tracker*/
fun track(
  event: Snapshot<Int, Int, Int>,
  ctx: ResolveCtx<Int>,
) {
  ctx sideEffect { println("Track: \"$event\"") }

/**App logic, for now it just adds delta to count and returns this as result*/
fun add(
  delta: Int,
  counter: Int,
): Update<Int, Int> = (counter + delta) command delta

/**Some UI, e.g. console*/
suspend fun display(
  snapshot: Snapshot<*, *, *>,
) {
  println("Display: $snapshot")

fun main() = runBlocking {
  // Somewhere at the application level
  val component = Component(
    initializer = ::initializer,
    resolver = ::track,
    updater = ::add,
    scope = this,
  // UI = component([message1, message2, ..., message N])
  component(+1, +2, -3).collect(::display)

The sample above will print the following:

Display: Initial(currentState=0, commands=[])
Track: "Regular(currentState=1, commands=[1], previousState=0, message=1)"
Track: "Initial(currentState=0, commands=[])"
Track: "Regular(currentState=3, commands=[2], previousState=1, message=2)"
Track: "Regular(currentState=0, commands=[-3], previousState=3, message=-3)"
Display: Regular(currentState=1, commands=[1], previousState=0, message=1)
Display: Regular(currentState=3, commands=[2], previousState=1, message=2)
Display: Regular(currentState=0, commands=[-3], previousState=3, message=-3)

Real world examples include Android and IOS app samples that use the same application component and share common entities, application and navigation logic. Intellij plugin is built on the top of the library as well.

For more info visit Wiki page

Main Features

  • Multiplatform this library supports jvm, iosX64 and iosArm64 targets
  • Scalability it is build on the top of a simple idea of having pure functions that operate on plain data separated from impure one. Those functions are building blocks and form testable components that can be combined to build complex applications
  • Simplicity component implementation resides in a single file
  • Extensibility additional functionality and API is implemented as component extensions which means you can easily add your own
  • Debugger Intellij debugger plugin is available for this library, though it's not production ready yet


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Plugin is available on JetBrains marketplace

Main Modules

  • tea-core - contains core types along with basic component implementation
  • tea-navigation - contains navigation extensions as well as predictive back navigation for iOS target
  • tea-time-travel - contains debuggable version of the component
  • tea-time-travel-adapter-gson - implements debug protocol and serialization by means of Gson library. Should be added as dependency together with tea-time-travel module
  • tea-time-travel-protocol - contains debug protocol types definitions
  • tea-time-travel-plugin - contains Intellij plugin implementation

How to build and run

To build plugin from sources use ./gradlew tea-time-travel-plugin:buildPlugin command. Installable plugin will be located in tea-time-travel-plugin/build/distributions directory.

To run Intellij Idea with installed plugin use ./gradlew tea-time-travel-plugin:runIde command.

To build android app sample run ./gradlew :samples:app:assembleDefaultDebug or ./gradlew :samples:app:assembleRemoteDebug. The last command assembles debuggable version on of the application that connects to the currently running instance of debugger (will try connecting to http://localhost:8080).

Planned features and TODOs

  • Re-implement client-server communication protocol from scratch
  • Migrate from gson to kotlinx.serialization.json
  • Release v1.0.0
  • Add GitHub Wiki
  • Rework component builders and possibly replace it with some kind of DSL
  • Add keyboard shortcuts for plugin, consider improving plugin UX


Contributions are more than welcome. If something cannot be done, not convenient, or does not work - create an issue or PR