Other data is placed in the hardware
Arduion IDE | v2.2.1 |
Module | esp32-C6-MINI-1U |
MotorDriverIC | TMC6300 |
HallSensor | MT6701 |
├─3D_File : 3D model file;
├─example : Some examples;
├─firmare : `factory` compiled firmware;
├─hardware: Schematic diagram of the board, chip data;
- ✅ 1_simple_drive : Let the electric motor up, using 6-step commutation drive motor;
- ✅ 2_encoder_mt6701 : Drive magnetic encoder, serial print read data;
- ✅ 3_mcpwm_ctrl : mcpwm controller drives the motor;
- ✅ 4_mcpwm_mt6701 : mcpwm controller is used to drive the motor and read the encoder data at the same time.
- ✅ 5_foc_openloop_velocity : foc open-loop speed control is used to drive the motor.
- ✅ 6_foc_openloop_angle : foc Angle control drive motor;
- ✅ 7_foc_closeloop_pos_and_speed : foc Angle control drive motor;
- ✅ 8_pid_and_lowpadd_filter : On the basis of 7, add pid control and low-pass filtering;
- ✅ T-MotorDriver-C6-firmware : The firmware generated by 8 compilation is used as a factory program;
- Install Arduino IDE
- Install the esp32 toolkit, open the Arduion IDE, click on
, Thenhttps://espressif.github.io/arduino-esp32/package_esp32_dev_index.json
paste to the position of the diagram below, then click 🆗, waiting for the toolkit download is complete;
- Open a example using the Arduion IDE, and configure the Arduion as follows.Notice where the yellow boxes are.
❗ ❗ Note: If the board
cannot find the ESP32C6, perform the step 2
. ❗ ❗
- Finally click update ➡️ to download the program.
// MT6071
#define MAG_CS 7
#define MAG_CLK 14
#define MAG_DIO 15
// MTC6300
#define UH_PIN 6
#define UL_PIN 5
#define VH_PIN 1
#define VL_PIN 3
#define WH_PIN 0
#define WL_PIN 4
#define BTN_RELEASE_STATE 1 // HIGH is release state
#define BOARD_BOOT 9
#define BOARD_LED1 23
#define BOARD_LED2 22
#define BOARD_LED3 21
#define BOARD_LED4 20
#define BOARD_BUZZ 18
For more information, see the ./hardware
Schematic : T-Embed-CC1101
CC1101 Schematic : CC1101
CC1101 Pins : CC1101 Pins
3D Files : To be added ...