Reproduction of "Generative Modeling by Estimating Gradients of the Data Distribution" by Yang Song and Stefano Ermon (NeurIPS 2019) in Tensorflow 2.0.
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Created for the Reproducibility Challenge @ NeurIPS 2019.
Instructions for running the code
The main file to run is
. Different options are available depending on the task to perform.
--experiment train
for training the model.
--experiment generate
to sample through Langevin dynamics with a trained model.
--experiment inpainting
for performing inpainting (different patterns of occlusion are available).
--experiment toytrain
to run the toy experiment.
--experiment evaluation
for computing inception and FID score.
--experiment k_nearest
to samples images and finding the k pixel-wise nearest images in the dataset.
--experiment intermediate
to sample images and save them at each level of noise.
--experiment celeb_a_statistics
for computing inception and FID score on CelebA.
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