move my bag into terraria, and add more things wheels
WackyBag, at
Separater, manage ai[] as bits and separate then into ints, useful to squeeze ai[], at WackyBagTr.Structures.FloatAsIntSeparator
Behaviors, combinable things to manage NPCs' and Projectiles' behaviors
BossSystem, register boss downed state, and add infomations to BossCheckList, at WackyBagTr.Common.Systems.BossSystem
DelegateDust, useful to test things, at WackyBagTr.Dusts.DelegateDust and utils at WackyBagTr.Utilties.Wacky
Utils, DrawInMap, at WackyBagTr.Utilties.Wacky.DrawInMap Some calculate fn, at WackyBagTr.Utilties.Calculates and more...
note: im lazy not fully tested