Builder your own Survey's to your website or Allow other users to use this on your website
New SurveyBuilder-JS is out check it out SurveyBuilder-JS
$ npm install surveybuilder
Check out how you can add .sbconsole file to your PC: .sbconsole file
You can use a batch file to use to find the dependicys, otherwise here is what it's depended.
- SQL Server
- API.txt
- Windows(any version)
- Mac
- iPhone 6/7/8
- iPhone 6/7/8 Plus
- iPhone 11
- iPhone 11 Pro
- iPhone 11 Pro Max
- iPhone X
Download and attach this to your website/localhost
go to this path surveybuilder-master/surveybuilder take out "surveybuilder" folder
Go to this link: AppsCode - To get the Javascript and HTML code
Use the wiki for any help Wiki
Here is a website SurveyBuilder - You can now build your form on the website
Admins can do:
- Config form for public uses
- edit and change the .htaccess
- display or "allow build" to be preformed
- limit the amount of work that can be used
- Add custom apps
- and more
Public can do:
- Build or fill out forms
- Check and edit Consoles
- add Elements
Report any issues here issues
We added bots to the builder to track how much data you saved onto the server, this can be configed and updated to whatever you want, timestamp of how long each log is built/change. It will rewrite a file each time and can be set to a .log
or .txt