The pyx2cscope Python package communicates with X2Cscope enabled firmwares running on microcontrollers. Focusing real time control applications like motor control and power conversion.
- It allows user to:
- Read - Write variables to the embedded target in runtime
- Record and Plot fast, continuous signals from the target firmware
- Implement Automated Unit Tests (TDD) and HIL tests for embedded development
- Record data in run-time for AI models
- Implement custom user interface, dashboards for embedded applications (QT, Tkinter, Web)
Detailed documentation is hosted at
Create a virtual environment and install pyx2cscope using the following commands (Windows):
python -m venv .venv
pip install pyx2cscope
To execute Qt version, type:
To execute the Browser based version type:
pyx2cscope -w
from pyx2cscope.x2cscope import X2CScope
# initialize the X2CScope class with serial port, by default baud rate is 115200
x2c_scope = X2CScope(port="COM8")
# instead of loading directly the elf file, we can import it after instantiating the X2CScope class
# Collect some variables.
speed_reference = x2c_scope.get_variable("motor.apiData.velocityReference")
speed_measured = x2c_scope.get_variable("motor.apiData.velocityMeasured")
# Read the value of the "motor.apiData.velocityMeasured" variable from the target
# Write a new value to the "motor.apiData.velocityReference" variable on the target
Further Examples directory in the pyX2Cscope project to check out the available examples or create a new .py file according to your requirements.