Please note the following if performing an in-system update:
- Use the attached SMCUPDATE-48.0.0.PRG. The SMC firmware is embedded into the program.
- Some production boards were delivered with a corrupted "bad" bootloader. If you have SMC version 45.1.0, and if you have bootloader v2 you are mot likely affected. In case you have the corrupted bootloader, you need to follow the procedure described here.
- You can get the current SMC version by typing HELP.
- And you can get the current bootloader version by typing PRINT I2CPEEK($42,$8E)
Changlog since 47.2.3
Firmware changes:
- Add I2C commands to read fuse settings (Eirik)
- Return the correct bootloader version number when BL is v3 or newer (Stefan)
- Add I2C command to get keyboard init state (Stefan)
- Update default bootloader to v3 (Stefan)
Other changes:
- Change which repo the bootloader should be downloaded from (Stefan)
- Include flash manipulation tools to the repo (Eirik)
- Add new SMCUPDATE tool, which generates an update executable where the new SMC version is bundled in the executable (Stefan)
- Update documentation (Stefan/Eirik)