First time? Check out Installation
An in-game companion app for players and Discord bot for server administrators.
The application monitors and extracts data from any number of configured local ARK servers and exposes this data through a Web App, Web API and Discord Bot.
It aims to provide important functions to players: dino listings, food-status, breeding info, statistics; and server admins: rcon-commands, server managing etc. It does not enable cheating or making available data that have a considerable impact on how the game is played.
- Download the latest pre-built binaries (see above).
- Perform configuration within the ArkBot program after opening by clicking on the configuration tab, completing all required fields.
- Important Dependency Note: ArkBot relies upon certain VS C++ runtimes installed. It requires .NET 3.5 with service pack 1, .NET 4.7, and Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2013. Please note: If you are running a windows server install, you must install the .NET 3.5 and 4.7(or 4.8) from the server admin panel.
This has been installed on WS 2012R2, WS 2016, WS 2019, WS 2022, Windows 10, Windows 11. Other platforms may not work. Try it at your own risk.
To enable map clean-up from the companion app (web app) for administrators, install ARK-Server-API and ARK-Server-API: ArkBotHelper Plugin by WETBATMAN.
Powered by ARK Savegame Toolkit .NET based on Qowyns work on ark-tools.
Creature stat data is sourced from Cadons ARK Smart Breeding.
WETBATMAN for the Ark Server API: ArtBotHelper Plugin.
Knights GG Ark Cluster for extensive testing and support throughout the years KNIGHTSGG.
Library for reading ARK Survival Evolved savegame files in .NET
Allows server-side ARK plugins.
Used to facilitate map clean-up from the companion app (web app) for administrators.