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Lesson #2: Let's Add Some Structure

Madison (Pfaff) Edgar edited this page Nov 23, 2018 · 11 revisions

Now that we have some text to work off of from Step #10, let's add some structure with HTML tags and elements!

Below is a table of the different types of elements you can use and how to use them. You don't have to use all of them, but this is a great point of reference for the future.

I also have a package in my text editor, language-html, that offers html language support when you're coding by offering suggestions and descriptions as you go. To install the package in Atom, navigate to the top menu bar > Atom > Preferences > (a new side bar will pop up on your editor) > Install > type html in the search bar > Install language-html.

We're going to start with the basic html structure.

  1. Take your index.html file with your "why" and your roadmap and format it in this way.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>website title</title>

Every opening tag needs a closing tag, like <body> WHY ROADMAP </body>

<h?> heading </h?> # Heading (in-place of ?, use numbers 1 for the largest to 6 for the smallest text size)
<p> paragraph </p> Basic text in paragraph format
<b> bold </b> bolds text
<i> italic </i> italicizes text
<a href="url"> link name </a> Creates a hyperlink from one page to another
<div> ... </div> A divider to separate page content into sections
<img src="filename.jpg"> Displays an image
<ul> <li> list </li> </ul> * Unordered list of bullet points
<ol> <li> list </li> </ol> 1. Ordered list of numbered points
<br> Line break, forcing a new line
<span style="color:red"> red </span> Method to extend CSS style changes to specific text inline

By the end of this lesson, your index.html file could look a little something like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Code With Madi</title>
    <h1>Madi Edgar</h1>
    <!-- MY WHY -->
    <p>I strive to empower you to grow more, to do more, and to become more.</p>

    <!-- MY ROADMAP -->

    <h2>What I do</h2>
      <li>Teach coding workshops to individuals, groups, birthday parties (for real though.... I would want to be friends with this type of person), after-school programs</li>
      <li>Speaking engagements about STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts/design, math), professional development, personal development, being a woman/latina/minority in tech.</li>
      <li>Add compiler open source project for people to contribute to</li>
      <li>Booking information</li>

    <!-- IMAGES -->
    <!-- Personal Headshot (create a page with all assets people can use for promotional material) -->
    <img src="./assets/img/FunHeadshot.jpg" width="200px;">
    <!-- Family Image-->

    <h2>About Me</h2>
    <!-- - Faith
    - Reason I do what I do -->
    <p>My passion for developing impactful, innovative solutions is fueled by unifying the experiences of others
      with my diverse professional background in industries such as financial, judicial, and property management.
      As a catalyst for transformational change (inside and out of the workplace), I use my platform to hack the glass
      ceiling for women and minorities by speaking at conferences, teaching workshops at universities, and mentoring
      individuals across the nation.</p>

      <li>Majored in: Computer Science + Mathematical Decision Sciences</li>
      <li>Research & Development Software Developer</li>
      <li>Artificial Intelligence Product Manager</li>
      <li>Financial Project Manager</li>
      <li>Technical Business Analyst</li>

    - instagram
    - facebook
    - twitter
    - twitch
    - youtube
    - linkedin
    - email
    - Add way for individual to connect to email newsletter -->
    <h2>Connect With Me</h2>
    <a href="">Instagram</a>
    <a href="">Facebook</a>
    <a href="">Twitter</a>
    <a href="">Twitch</a>
    <a href="">Youtube</a>
    <a href="">LinkedIn</a>
    <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Email</a>


When that page is pulled up in a web browser, it looks like this: EndOfLesson2

Next > Lesson #3: If Its Not Broke, FIX It