This command-line tool written in Go allows you to detect JavaScript signatures on webpages given a URL. It fetches the HTML of a webpage, identifies and downloads JavaScript files, and checks them against predefined regular expression "signatures" specified in a TOML configuration file to identify JavaScript signatures used on the page.
This tool provides insight into the JavaScript signatures employed by a webpage. It can:
- Accept a URL as input.
- Retrieve the HTML content of the webpage.
- Identify and download JavaScript files linked within the HTML.
- Analyze JavaScript files for JavaScript signatures.
- Output the detected JavaScript signature names as newline-separated text for easy chaining with other POSIX scripts.
- Allow users to specify and customize regex signatures using a TOML configuration file.
Clone this repository.
Make sure you have Go (Golang) installed.
Navigate to the project directory.
Run the tool with the following command:
go run JsSigScraper.go -url <URL> -config <config-file> [-keepjs] [-useragent <user-agent>]
go run JsSigScraper.go -url -config example-config.toml -keepjs -useragent Mozilla/5.0
The TOML configuration file (example-config.toml
) includes user-defined regex signatures for JavaScript signatures. Here's an example structure:
name = "Signature Name 1"
regex = "your-regex-here-1"
name = "Signature Name 2"
regex = "your-regex-here-2"
# Add more signatures as needed
The output consists of detected JavaScript signature names separated by newlines:
Signature Name 1
Signature Name 2
- HTML parsing library (e.g.,
) - TOML parsing library (e.g.,