Bookshelf modelbase plugin offers good functionality, however when dealing with a number of similar REST microservieces it is good to have shared codebase for common operations like paginated list, updating the records with validation, importing set of records and etc.
npm i --save bookshelf-modelbase-plus
var db = require(knex)(require('./knexfile'));
var bookshelf = require('bookshelf')(db);
var ModelBase = require('bookshelf-modelbase')(bookshelf);
// load plugin
// needs also pagination plugin
var Budget = ModelBase.extend({
tableName: 'budgets'
* Get sorted, ordered, filtered, paginated list of records. Good for GET params object passing
* i.e. /?limit=5&page=1&order_by=-id&status=enabled
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Array} columns All table columns
* @return {Promise(bookshelf.Collection)} Bookshelf Collection of all Models
var data = {
status: 'enabled', // where status = enabled
order_by: '-id', // order by id desc
limit: 5,
page: 1, // 1 based page number
.getList(data, ['id', 'name', 'status'])
.then(function(models) {
.catch(function(err) { });
* Create and save model and return all attributes
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Array} columns The set of columns will be used to fetch attribute values from the *data* object
* @return {Promise(bookshelf.Model)} Bookshelf Collection of all Models
.createOne(data, ['id', 'name', 'status'])
.then((model) => {
.catch((err) => {
* Update model through ID and revalidate all attributes before saving with modelbase Joi validation (if set)
* returns model with all attributes
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Number} id
* @param {Array} columns data The set of columns will be used to fetch attribute values from the *data* object
* @return {Promise(bookshelf.Model)} Bookshelf Collection of all Models
.updateOneById(data, id, ['id', 'name', 'status'])
.then((model) => {
* Update model through composite pKEY lookup and revalidate all attributes before saving with modelbase Joi validation (if set)
* returns model with all attributes
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Array} columns data The set of columns will be used to fetch attribute values from the *data* object including the composite key
* @return {Promise(bookshelf.Model)} Bookshelf Collection of all Models
.updateOneByCompositePKey(data, ['id', 'name', 'status'])
.then((model) => {
* Destroys model through composite pKEY lookup
* @param {Object} options should have the composite key fields
.then((cnt) => {
* Update model and revalidate all attributes before saving with modelbase Joi validation (if set)
* returns model with all attributes
* @param {Array} data Array of records to import
* @param {Array} columns data The set of columns will be used to fetch attribute values from the *data* object
* @param {Function} callback Optional callback with *bookshelf.Model* and *Object* params to restore soft-deleted records
* @return {Promise(bookshelf.Model)} Bookshelf Collection of all Models
{ id: 120, name: 'Test name 00' },
{ id: 139, name: 'Test name 01', status: 'enabled' },
// this will be definetely inserted
name: 'Test name 02', status: 'disabled',
(existingModel, updateData) => {
if (existingModel.get('status') === 'deleted' && !updateData.status) {
// in this particular example a callback has been raised cause one of the imported record with id = 120
// is already in the table, so we check it's attribute *status* (might by any soft-deleting logic) and
// decide to restore soft deleted record and clean *old* values before save new one
updateData.status = 'enabled';
// clear existing model attributes, since they were set before deleting the record,
// now are obsolete
existingModel.set('name', null);
return true;
} else {
// wasn't restored
return false;
.then((rowCount) => { = { rows: rowCount };
return next();
.catch(err => next(err));
* Destroys a set of model through where condition
* @param {Object} options.where should have the where condtions for destroy
.then((cnt) => {