University of Central Florida School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science COP 3402: System Software
Homework #2 (Lexical Analyzer) (Team project Maximum of two people per team.)
Goal: In this assignment you have to implement a lexical analyzer for the language nested C/0. Your program must be capable to read in a source program written in nested C/0, identify some errors, and produce, as output, the source program, the source program lexeme table, and a list of lexemes.
For an example of input and output refer to Appendix A.
Lexical Conventions for PL/0: A numerical value is assigned to each token as follows: nulsym = 1, identsym = 2, numbersym = 3, plussym = 4, minussym = 5, multsym = 6, slashsym = 7, oddsym = 8, eqlsym = 9, neqsym = 10, lessym = 11, leqsym = 12, gtrsym = 13, geqsym = 14, lparentsym = 15, rparentsym = 16, commasym = 17, semicolonsym = 18, periodsym = 19, becomessym = 20, beginsym = 21, endsym = 22, ifsym = 23, thensym = 24, whilesym = 25, dosym = 26, callsym = 27, constsym = 28, intsym = 29, procsym = 30, writesym = 31, readsym = 32.
Reserved Words: {, }, call, const, do, if, odd, procedure, then, int, while . Special Symbols: ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘’, ‘/’, ‘(‘, ‘)’, ‘=’, ’,’ , ‘.’, ‘ <’, ‘>’, ‘;’ , ’:’ . Identifiers: identsym = letter (letter | digit) Numbers: numbersym = (digit)+ Invisible Characters: tab, white spaces, newline Comments denoted by: /* . . . */
Refer to Appendix B for a declaration of the token symbols that may be useful.
Constraints: Input:
- Identifiers can be a maximum of 11 characters in length.
- Numbers can be a maximum of 5 digits in length.
- Comments should be ignored and not tokenized.
- Invisible Characters should be ignored and not tokenized.
- The token separator in the output's Lexeme List (Refer to Appendix A) can be either a space or a bar ('|').
- In your output's Lexeme List, identifiers must show the token and the variable name separated by a space or bar.
- In your output's Lexeme List, numbers must show the token and the value separated by a space or bar. The value must be transformed into ASCII Representation (as discussed in class)
- Be consistent in output. Choose either bars or spaces and stick with them.
- The token representation of the Lexeme List will be used in the Parser (Project 3). So, PLAN FOR IT!
Detect the Following Lexical Errors:
Variable does not start with letter. Number too long. Name too long. Invalid symbols.
Create a transition diagram (DFS) to recognize each lexeme on the source program and once accepted generate the token, otherwise emit an error message.
Submission Instructions: Submit to Webcourse:
- Source code.
- Instructions to use the program in a readme document.
- One run containing the input file (Source Program), and output in a file (Source, Lexeme Table(lexeme-token), Lexeme List) Appendix A:
If the input is: int x, y; { y := 3; x := y + 56; }.
The output will be: Source Program: int x, y; { y := 3; x := y + 56; }.
Lexeme Table: lexeme token type int 29 x 2 , 17 y 2 ; 18 { 21 y 2 := 20 3 3 ; 18 x 2 := 20 y 2
56 3 ; 18 } 22 . 19
Lexeme List: 29 2 x 17 2 y 18 21 2 y 20 3 3 18 2 x 20 2 y 4 3 56 18 22 19
Appendix B:
Declaration of Token Types: typedef enum { nulsym = 1, identsym, numbersym, plussym, minussym, multsym, slashsym, oddsym, eqsym, neqsym, lessym, leqsym, gtrsym, geqsym, lparentsym, rparentsym, commasym, semicolonsym, periodsym, becomessym, beginsym, endsym, ifsym, thensym, whilesym, dosym, callsym, constsym, intsym, procsym, writesym } token_type;
Example of Token Representation: “29 2 1 17 2 2 18 21 2 1 20 2 2 4 3 56 18 22 19”
Is Equivalent: intsym identsym x commasym identsym y semicolonsym beginsym identsym x becomessym identsym y plussym numbersym 56 semicolonsym endsym periodsym Appendix C:
Example of a nested C/0 program:
const m = 7, n = 85;
int i,x,y,z,q,r;
procedure mult;
int a, b;
a := x; b := y; z := 0;
while b > 0 do
if odd x then z := z+a;
a := 2*a;
b := b/2;
{ x := m; y := n; call mult; }.