gDFS is a distributed file system in Go.
Download Go 1.15
clone code
$ git clone
$ cd gdfs
- inside one terminal,
$ make # this will build namenode, datanode, client
$ make snamenode # this will start the namenode
- inside another terminal,
$ ./ # this will start datanodes on every node
$ # # this will stop all datanodes
- inside the 3rd terminal,
$ bin/client -format # this will format the dfs
$ bin/client -ls / # see whether / dir is empty
$ bin/client -copyFromLocal somefile / # copy local file to dfs /
$ bin/client -copyToLocal /somefile . # copy dfs file to local dir .
$ bin/client -calMeanVal /somefile # calculate mean and variance of the file (list of numbers)
gDFS is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.