This project document the installation of a wikifab website (empty of tutorials)
There are 2 methods to install Wikifab:
The METHOD #1 use a full package to upload to your server using FTP.
The METHOD #2 use composer: it enable you to get the latest version of Wikifab. But It requires to have an ssh access to your server, with connectivity to download all the packages. Some web providers doesn't allow it.
Download it here : Unzip and upload directory on your server.
(check for latest versions)
Go to your website url, and follow installation instructions.
Note : wikifab is only available in english and french for now. If you select another language, you will have a lot of missing translations.
At the end of the installation, it should give you a file "LocalSettings.php" to put in your website directory.
At this point, your wiki is up, but it does not include the wikifab part.
Edit the 'LocalSettings.php' file and add the following line at the end :
Then execute those scripts to install wikifab extensions and pages :
php maintenance/update.php
php maintenance/update.php
php maintenance/initWikifab.php --setWikifabHomePage
Note : In my case, the update.php script returned an error (in a part concerning Flow extension) at first execution, just run it a second time has solved the problem.
If you allready have a mediawiki website, simply start at step 3
You need a web server with PHP>5.4 with acces to execute php scripts
Here is the latest :
download it and extract to your website
in bash :
tar -xzf mediawiki-1.31.0.tar.gz
mv mediawiki-1.31.0 /var/www/yourwebsite
Go to your website url, and follow installation instructions.
Note : wikifab is only available in english and french for now. If you select another language, you will have a lot of missing translations.
At the end of the installation, it should give you a file "LocalSettings.php" to put in your website directory.
At this point, your wiki is up, but it does not include the wikifab part.
download this project, and copy content into your website folder
in bash :
cp -R wikifab-main-master/* /var/www/yourwebsite/
Download composer and execute composer.phar update into your website directory. This will get all extensions needed. As Wikifab has not yet a fully stable version, you need to set "minimum-stability" to "dev" in composer.json
in bash:
cd /var/www/yourwebsite
curl | php
php composer.phar config minimum-stability dev
php composer.phar update --no-dev
Some extension are required, but not available with composer for now (comming soon ?), you need to get them and put them in extensions directory.
Here is the list :
in bash :
cd /var/www/yourwebsite
cd extensions
wget -O
mv Tabber-master Tabber
Moreover, the Flow extension installed by composer is not in the good directory, move it to 'extensions/' dir :
cd /var/www/yourwebsite
mv vendor/mediawiki/flow extensions/Flow
In your "LocalSettings.php" file, add a line to include file 'LocalSettings.wikifab.php'
To enable internationalization support, add the following line
and run the php update script
in bash :
cd /var/www/yourwebsite
echo "include('LocalSettings.wikifab.php');" >> LocalSettings.php
echo "include('LocalSettings.i18n.php');" >> LocalSettings.php
php maintenance/update.php
You need to create all pages and forms to finish installation and have a wikifab like website.
You can do id with this script (only available for french for now) :
php maintenance/initWikifab.php --setWikifabHomePage --int
Warning : this will change the home page of your wiki, if you do not want this, simply execute the command without param "--setWikifabHomePage"
Finaly, make sure that server has write permissions on directories "images/" and "images/avatars/".
Now you should have a wikifab like wiki. Please contact us if you have any difficulties.
To avoid bots to spam your pages, we strongly recommand you to activate captcha.
We recomend you recaptcha : to set it up :
- go to and after login, click "getrecatpha", and add an entry with your url. This will give you a key and secret key
- Edit LocalSettings.php, add the following lines, and replace with your key and secret key : wfLoadExtensions( array( 'ConfirmEdit', 'ConfirmEdit/ReCaptchaNoCaptcha' ) ); $wgCaptchaClass = 'ReCaptchaNoCaptcha'; $wgReCaptchaSiteKey = 'YOUR-KEY'; $wgReCaptchaSecretKey = 'YOUR-SECRET-KEY';
For wiki support for uploading and viewing 3D models, you need to install the 3D extension. To do so, add the following line to your LocalSettings file :
with bash :
echo "include('LocalSettings.3d.php');" >> LocalSettings.php
3d2png is the thumbnail renderer for 3D files. It will render png thumbnails exactly like this extension will display the objects, using the same JS libraries running in Node.js instead of the browser.
To install, clone and install the 3d2png repository:
git clone
cd 3d2png
npm install
On Linux, you'll also need to install a virtual framebuffer in order for 3d2png to be able to headlessly capture the 3D object.
apt-get install xvfb
After having successfully installed 3d2png, we'll need to tell Extension:3D how to call this thumbnail generator service. Add this to your LocalSettings.php, and make sure to update the paths to match your configuration:
$wg3dProcessor = [ '/usr/bin/xvfb-run', '-a', '-s', '-ac -screen 0 1280x1024x24' ,'/path-to-your-repository/3d2png.js' ];
This can means many differents errors.
To display errors messages, add the following lines on top of the LocalSettings.php file :
error_reporting( -1 );
ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 );
$wgShowExceptionDetails = true;