Client to help with the encoding files (Streams) process with ffmpeg
- Quick summary This will provide direct encoding and|or will throw you an ffmpeg command with the basic configurations selected. For the moment this will work with a lot of hardcode but with the intent of decoupling it on the go.
- Version 0.0.1
Summary of set up This is an ejecutable JAR if notprovided here you can just compile the project with maven and get it from there
Configuration command, once maven is configured in your machine: mvn compiler:comple
Database configuration None. This app uses JSON files to represent shows and its seasons for the automatic naming functionality.
Deployment instructions No need for those :)
- Writing tests Help will be needed
- Code review Request if needed
- Other guidelines Javadocs on the process
- Repo owner or admin owner - current main developer - [email protected]
- Other community or team contact :(