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Change Log 1.11.0

Major Changes

  • Filament Change/Load, Z-Offset, and Fine Tune Z-Offset wizards changed to support dual extrusion
  • The Preheat Wizard now has profiles for Dual Extrusion as well as profiles for single nozzles
  • Motor Controls will now change the Extruder page if it is in dual extrusion mode
  • Motor Controls will kill all heaters if the user backs out of the wizard.
  • Z-Offset wizard will no longer reset the EEPROM every time it is set. It will reset M206 and M851 only
  • Z-Offset will now put the nozzle closer to the bed, users no longer have to hit up many times
  • If a user backs out of the Z-Offset wizard, their Z-Offset will be set back to what it was.
  • All Wizards are put into their own folder and use a new type of Back Button that increases flow control for the programmer.
  • All Wait screens will not call their callback functions if the user backs out. [Bug Fix]
  • Added PID tuning wizard, This wizard can be used to tune any heater.
  • FTZO will wait to reach the nozzles target temperature before continuing with the wizard.
  • FTZO has updated speeds so lines get put down faster
  • FTZO will send the G36 command for setting up the printer
  • FTZO has a new Circles mode that draws circles on the bed
  • FTZO will now conform to the size of the bed set in Octoprint
  • FTZO has a changed layout that allows more control over the process for the user.
  • Wifi password obfuscation
  • QR code obfuscation for access control

Minor Changes

  • PConsole no longer uses the regular expression library to get values from the EEPROM. It now will disassemble the M Command into a dictionary of the values it finds
  • PConsole has an Observer in it now that will allow programs to register callbacks when an EEPROM variable is updated.
  • EEPROM will now show a custom edit range for each value. (Accelerations needs a +100 button but the Z-Offset does not.)
  • Foundation for Dual Extrusion software
  • PID tuner options can be changed with an edit of the loaded language pack. (Target temp, cycle count)
  • Filament loading screen will turn off the heaters if it is backed out of unless the printer is printing.
  • Wizards will now display "Loading..." when pressed.
  • Added a timeout to the update system
  • Added the "depth" tag to the update system so update packages do not download the repository .git folder. This results in very small packages to download
  • Disabled EEPROM during print to avoid a bed crash.
  • USB will now warn the user if the USB drive is unsupported or unmounted
  • Moved Z-Offset capture point to X8.00 Y30.00

Change Log 1.10.0

Major Changes

  • File System Redesign
    • Sort By Alphabet, Size, Date, or Type
      • Sorting by size will result in each file listing their size
      • Any other sorting will show the date the file was added
    • Users can now Copy, Move, or Delete multiple files and folders at once on USB or Local Files
    • STL and Hex files added to the file view
    • SLicer Wizard and Firmware wizard will be activated when selecting an STL or Hex file
    • USB and Local Files will now show their Used / Total Space on the drive.
    • Meta Data will load when a file is selected for the first time. Then it will be saved for future use
    • Browsing Files is now faster

Minor Changes

  • Octoprint
    • Changed FileSystem to load Hex Files correctly on the Web Dash
  • Meta-Reader
    • Changed File Analysis so it did not choke on folders without the 'children' catagory
  • RoboLCD
    • Connection screens will now reflect the realtime connection information (Reset Connction, Bed Disconnect, Mainboard Disconnect)
    • Filament change will now push material through the nozzle before starting the retraction move
    • Added 'F3000' to Raise Z option in motor controls so it would rise at an acceptable speed instead of the last speed given to the printer
    • Fixed Network Title. It used to say Wizards
    • Fixed the Error box starting up with a solid White image.
    • Fixed up and down buttons getting stuck on the File Screen
    • Fixed Keyboard bug that would keep the keyboard up when an error occured
    • Tool monitor will now show one decimal place. Graphical errors occured when showing two or more decimal places

Change Log 1.9.0

  • Motor Control redesign
    • Added Motors Off
    • Added an Extruder Page to control the extruder controls seperately
    • Added ability to heat the extruder from the extruder controls
  • Preheat Wizard
    • Added a feature to add custom Preheat settings
    • Added to the Fine Tune ZOffset Wizard, Change/Load Filament Wizard, Slicer Wizard. You can pick a custom heat for these wizards now
    • Added a Feature to edit/delete any preset
  • Z-Offset Wizard
    • Added in an extra 0.05mm
    • Z-Offset is now measured from the corner
  • Confirmation Screens
    • Added Confirmation screen to Reset EEPROM, Shutdown/Reboot, Reset Connection, and Delete File/Folder
  • Slicer Wizard
    • Added Brim and Raft Support
    • Added Supports from buildplate and everywhere
    • Added the ability to choose the temperature to print with
    • Added Fans on/off functionality
  • Added english.yaml file, which holds all the text for the program
  • Refactored Z-Offset Wizard to use template screens.
    • This change was to fit more language on the screen and auto adjust text as needed.
  • Added a kivy widget that auto adjusts image/text combos
  • Added a workflow to execute a function when backing out of a screen
  • Various text changes
  • Various Icon Changes
  • Bugfix
    • Fixed a bug that caused Anyone with dual extruders on the R2 to crash the screen during the Z-Offset Wizard
    • Fixed bug for disconnecting during an active print, the error message said "printing". It will not populate the correct error

Change Log 1.8.0

  • Added a Web Cam Toggle Button

Change Log 1.7.0

  • Print Tuning redesign
    • While printing print tuning will be shown, while not printing only fan controls will be shown
  • New Utilities Functions
    • Motors can be disengaged under Utilities >> Options >> Motors Off
    • You can now reset the connection to the printer at any time through the Utilities >> Option >> Connection tool
    • Firmware Update has been moved to Options
  • Printer Status Redesign
    • New Non Blocking Error Messages
    • Temperature Controls and Motor Controls have been moved to the printer status screen
    • While Printing the screen will now show elapsed time and estimated time remaining
    • Added a progress bar
  • New Wizard Fine Tune Z Offset
  • New Wizard Bed Level Calibration (R2 Only)
  • fixed up and down buttons to have correctly sized elements
  • various language edits
  • Filament Load/Change will not mess with temperature while printing, it will also set the E-Steps back to where they were
  • Onboard sliced files will now be appended with meta data instead of saved directly with meta data


If you want to install this repo:

if you do not already have RoboLCD on the machine go ahead and clone it

git clone

if you do have RoboLCD on the machine pull the updates

# Make sure you are in the RoboLCD Folder
cd RoboLCD
git pull

Switch to this branch

# Make sure you are in the RoboLCD Folder
cd RoboLCD
git checkout [branch name]

install RoboLCD in develop mode

source ~/oprint/bin/activate
# Make sure you are in the RoboLCD Folder
cd ~/RoboLCD
python develop

restart octoprint and pull up the log

sudo service octoprint restart & tail -f ~/.octoprint/logs/octoprint.log


Current version of roboLCD/roboOS






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