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tkocou edited this page Jun 8, 2019 · 2 revisions

A Walk-through on the Octoprint First Run Procedure

Written by WheresWaldo

Once OctoPrint is fully loaded you will be presented with the following setup screens.

setup image 1

Clicking on Next will move you to the Access Control screen.

setup image 2

Please make sure to fill this screen out completely and answer accordingly. Before proceeding you must select either to Disable or Keep Access Control (recommended) otherwise you will not be allowed to move one from this setup screen. Once you have made you Access Control determination, clicking on next with continue with the setup.

setup image 3

You can safely disable usage tracking if you like. Leaving it enabled will allow OctoPrint's author to track just how OctoPrint is being used. No personal data is ever transmitted with the anonymous usage statistics. For details on what gets tracked, please refer to and also the Privacy Policy at Clicking on the Next button will move you to the final Setup Wizard screen.

setup image 4

At this point you have completed the Setup Wizard and clicking on Finish will take you to the default OctoPrint web interface.