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Coding challenge React Native trivia game app built in a weekend.

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This is a code challenge for the G2i Group written by Mike Taylor on 6/21 - 6/24/2019

Quick Start

See Prerequisites below for prerequistie package details.

git clone
cd code-challenge-mike-taylor
npm i
npm start
open /Applications/

Launch http://localhost:19002/ and press "Run on iOS Simulator" on the left navigation menu.

Basic Framework

This was created using the create-react-native which is now expo init.

For more information, visit the Expo website.

Developer Notes

The codebase utilizes techniques and best practices I have been using most recently, and over the course of my career.

The LandingPage wireframe asks, 'Can you score 100%' but the ResultsPage wireframe only showed [Correct] / [Total], so a percentage was added to display [Correct] / [Total] [Percentage]%

While experimenting, it was discovered the API will take easy | medium | hard for the difficulty passed in the query. Things to improve: add slider to set difficulty level.

The total hours for this project:

  • Friday 6/21: 8hrs - Initial app and component creation plus navigation workflow
  • Saturday 6/22: 2hrs - Game logic and state management
  • Sunday 6/23: 10hrs - UI Styling, Modal, Icons, Fonts, Gradients
  • Monday 6/24: 2 hrs - Documentation

Given the opportunity, and more time, I would have added Enzyme testing suite, and Google Analytics.

Local Data Store

The codebase uses the AsyncStorage class from the react-native library. Data is only retrived from the API server once per game, and is held in local storage for navigating between the GamePage and ResultsPage with the given_answer property value set in the GamePage state.

App Navigator

The codebase uses the react-native library, and the createSwitchNavigator specifically, as opposed to the createStackNavigator, based on the specifications.


The codebase was created using the blank (TypeScript) option in [email protected]

Global Styling

Rather than using individual component styles, the codebase uses a "global styling" technique that allows multiple classnames in an array passed to the style attribute of the react native elements, plus allows for inline style overrides similar to web CSS.

For example, the following will apply a pre-defined style from the imported global Styles, the defined style myCompenent from the component itself, and finally an inline fontSize override:

import Styles from '../assets/styles/Styles';
const styles = {...Styles, ...{
  myComponent: {
    fontSize: 12,
render() {
  return (
    <View style={[styles.container, styles.myComponent, { fontSize: 22 }]}>


The code layout uses "FlexBox" CSS3 styling extensively along with the ScrollView class.

Custom Local Fonts

The code ustilizes custom fonts ProximaNova and ProximaNovaBold located in the /assets/fonts/ directory and are loaded with the expo-font library.

FontAwesome5 Icons

The code utilizes the latest FontAwesome5 react native icons from the @expo/vector-icons library.

Modal Layer

The Modal component was added to the GameNav class to handle displaying and handling events for when the user presses the 'back' arrow at the top of the screen while playing the game or viewing the results.

Things to look for are the custom icons for Close and Alert elements.

Things for improvement: add an opaque overlay in the transparent area.

Apollo support for Orientation switching

Apollo support has been added to handle orientation switching between landscape and portrait views.

Things to improve: in it's current state, the modal will only display in portrait mode regardless of device orientation.

ErrorBoundary wrapper

The ErrorBoundary is a best practice class for debugging sub-views, and will print 'Something went wrong.' in the center of the screen.

Authorization Placeholder

The project includes a placeholder for Authorization / login support


This codebase was written on MacOS and uses Node, Expo CLI


Coding challenge React Native trivia game app built in a weekend.






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