- NodeJS + NPM
- Python 2.7 (Python 3 is not supported by one of the project dependencies)
To install all the dependencies, execute command :
$ npm install
This command will create the node_modules
directory at the project root.
If you also want to use the node changes watcher, execute :
$ sudo npm install -g nodemon
The application will look for mongodb host, server host and server port in your environment by default. If it doesn't find anything, default are localhost
as host and 5000
as port.
You can change them this way:
export MONGOLAB_URI='localhost'
export HOST='localhost'
export PORT='5000'
If you want to have specific logging when developping, you might consider setting the NODE_ENV
environment variable.
export NODE_ENV='development'
Standard server launching is :
$ DEBUG=wtf:* ./bin/www
If you want Node.JS to watch for any changes and reload the server when a change is detected, execute instead :
$ DEBUG=wtf:* nodemon
Note: If you're running the server for the first time, you might want to seed the datebase with restaurants. To do so, after you've launch the server, go to
heroku run --app whatthefood apidoc -i app/ -o apidoc/
Create an anonymous user (anonymous[#id]) for each application. The user is identified by his anonymous[#id] login and can use the application with no restriction. Once he creates his account with his email and password, his anonymous account will be updated and all his contribution will be linked to his email address.
To create a user, POST a JSON following the following schema to /api/users :
{"email": "[email protected]", password: "test"}
Password field should be at least 5 and at most 30 characters.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" --data '{"email": "[email protected]", "password":"testtt"}' http://localhost:5000/api/users/
To get an access token, GET /api/users/login with email and password given in a basic authentification. 10 authentication tries are allowed per half-hour.
Example :
curl -X GET http://test%40test.fr:testtt@localhost:5000/api/users/login
It returns a token to used on each requests.
To get an access token with facebook, send JSON to /api/users/login/facebook :
{ "email": "[email protected]", "token": "theFacebookToken" }
To get a user's information or any other information, GET on /api/users/[mongodb_user_id].
Example :
curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/api/users/54deeba72736858d49a647dc -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI1NGRmNDkyNTY1ZDdhZWM2YjBmM2QxMDAiLCJlbWFpbCI6InRlc3RAdGVzdC5mciIsInBhc3N3b3JkIjoiJDJhJDEwJEJmSFpsaHVpTVhIVnZlVUNwVTBJQXUxRGpJNU5jOEQyOENCaGszQUJSMVZhRUIvNVBhVHYyIiwiX192IjowLCJsb2dpbkF0dGVtcHRzIjowfQ.B7qiir3Cx5zu3tF7V4TaFAqWQqZ6hfTVPcJIJOOnoTI"
Route: /api/users/me/friends/
Route: /api/users/me/restaurant
{ "restaurantId": 705}
Route: /api/users/me/friends/restaurant
{ "restaurantId": 705}
Load initial restaurant informations
Retrieve a list of all restaurants
Retrieve a list of GeoResult. A GeoResult is composed of a dis property being the distance of the restaurant from the requested coordinates and an obj property being a restaurant.
An optional maxDistance parameter can be given to the API to reduce the radius of the request. By default, maxDistance equals 0.5 (500 m).
Retrieve the restaurant with the given id.
Each restaurant has a queue object containing data relative to its current waiting queue. The properties clients might be interested in are the timeSlots, value and updatedAt properties.
timeSlots : represents the different ranges against which the queue waiting time is estimated.
Example : ['-10', '10-20', '+20'], first slot represent a 0 to 10mn range, the second 10 to 20mn and the third 20mn and above.
value : a positive floating point number ranging from 0 to 100 representing the current waiting time, in percentage. Example : given the above time slots :
- a value ranging from ~0 to 33.333333... means the queue is short (0-10mn)
- a value ranging from 33.333333... to 66.666666... means the queue is medium (10-20mn)
- a value ranging from 66.666666... to 100 means the queue is long (+20mn)
- NOTE : a value of 0 always means that the queue didn't had enough votes to estimate its waiting time (it does NOT mean that there is no waiting time)
updatedAt : a date representing the last time the queue data were updated (gives the client an idea of how fresh the data are)
Request : POST /restaurants/{id}/queue/votes
Content of the request : an integer named timeSlotIndex with the index of the chosen time slot
Example : given the same time slots (which are the default ones btw)
- there is no queue at my restaurant, I'm voting '-10' => timeSlotIndex = 0
- there is a huge ass queue at my restautant and I'll be waiting for half an hour, I'm voting '+20' => timeSlotIndex = 2
Send your opinion about a meal.
curl -H "Content-Type:ap -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6InRlc3RAdGVzdC5mciIsInBhc3N3b3JkIjoiJDJhJDEwJDRyNU1CMi83MWRkZGpvNEd0dFhiNGVpTGR6UXZKVmlYQ0NNc3dKT0xMSVF6bU9Oc3hpRXVhIiwiX2lkIjoiNTRkZWY4YTU3Njk4NTlhNDU0ZTM5OTc0IiwiX192IjowLCJwb2xsIjpbXSwibG9naW5BdHRlbXB0cyI6MH0.v8ojBQR20jbm-gln57ljafixBBXn6yU5pnDLMQx88XE" -X PUT -d '{"poll": {"date": "2015-02-14", "ate_alone": false, "convivial_restaurant": true, "enough_time_to_eat": true, "seasoning": 2, "cooking": 2, "hot_meal": 2, "meal_quality": 3, "enjoyed_my_meal": 2, "threw_away_food_itook": false, "threw_away_food_was_served": true, "bread_thrown": 2, "dishes": [{"_id": "54df23b6842142426fdfa111", "thrown": 3}]}}' http://localhost:5000/api/users/54def8a5769859a454e39974
Get the informations about user and the poll to which he participated.
curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/api/users/54def8a5769859a454e39974 -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6InRlc3RAdGVzdC5mciIsInBhc3N3b3JkIjoiJDJhJDEwJDRyNU1CMi83MWRkZGpvNEd0dFhiNGVpTGR6UXZKVmlYQ0NNc3dKT0xMSVF6bU9Oc3hpRXVhIiwiX2lkIjoiNTRkZWY4YTU3Njk4NTlhNDU0ZTM5OTc0IiwiX192IjowLCJwb2xsIjpbXSwibG9naW5BdHRlbXB0cyI6MH0.v8ojBQR20jbm-gln57ljafixBBXn6yU5pnDLMQx88XE"
{"__v":3,"_id":"54def8a5769859a454e39974","email":"[email protected]","password":"$2a$10$4r5MB2/71dddjo4GttXb4eiLdzQvJViXCCMswJOLLIQzmONsxiEua","poll":[{"date":"2015-02-14T00:00:00.000Z","ate_alone":false,"convivial_restaurant":true,"enough_time_to_eat":true,"seasoning":2,"cooking":2,"hot_meal":2,"meal_quality":3,"enjoyed_my_meal":2,"threw_away_food_was_served":true,"bread_thrown":2,"_id":"54df8588341325ac2a413e55","dishes":[{"_id":"54df23b6842142426fdfa111","thrown":3}]}],"loginAttempts":0}[
curl -X PUT -d '{"menus": {"date": "2015-03-05T00:00:00.000Z","meal": [{"_id": "54df23b6842142426fdf9ff4",
"name": "midi","foodcategory": [{"name":"Entrées","_id":"54df23b6842142426fdfa000","dishes": [{"name":"Salade crétoise", "_id":"54df23b6842142426fdfa003", "feedback":[{"thrown": 3, "user_id":"54def8a5769859a454e39974"}]}]}]}], "feedback" : [{ "ate_alone": false, "convivial_restaurant": true, "enough_time_to_eat": true, "seasoning": 2, "cooking": 2, "hot_meal": 2, "took_twice": true, "enjoyed_my_meal": 2, "bread_thrown": 2}]}}' http://localhost:5000/api/restaurants/747/menu -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer [[TOKEN]]"
{"__v":3,"_id":"54def898221cae4f271b206e","access":"Comment y aller ? Arrêt de bus à proximité : Téléport 2, Université (lignes 1, 1 Express, E) ","accessibility":true,"area":"Futuroscope","closing":"0","description":"Site du Futuroscope - Téléport 2","id":747,"lat":46.662458,"lon":0.360065,"opening":"010,010,010,010,010,000,000","operationalhours":"Self : du lundi au vendredi de 11h45 à 13h30 Pôle pizza : du lundi au vendredi de 11h45 à 14h00 Service du soir : du lundi au jeudi de 18h30 à 20h00 ","shortdesc":"","title":"Restaurant GEMINI","type":"resto","wifi":true,"queue":{"value":0,"votes":0,"updatedAt":"2015-02-14T20:51:39.302Z","timeSlots":["-10","10-20","+20"]},"menus":[{"date":"2015-03-05T00:00:00.000Z","_id":"54dfb64a7dc831053af5ad2c","feedback":[{"ate_alone":false,"convivial_restaurant":true,"enough_time_to_eat":true,"seasoning":2,"cooking":2,"hot_meal":2,"took_twice":true,"enjoyed_my_meal":2,"bread_thrown":2,"_id":"54dfb64a7dc831053af5ad2d"}],"meal":[{"_id":"54df23b6842142426fdf9ff4","name":"midi","foodcategory":[{"name":"Entrées","_id":"54df23b6842142426fdfa000","dishes":[{"name":"Salade crétoise","_id":"54df23b6842142426fdfa003","feedback":[{"thrown":3,"user_id":"54def8a5769859a454e39974","_id":"54dfb64a7dc831053af5ad2e"}]}]}]}]}],"payment":[{"name":"Monéo","_id":"54df23b6842142426fdfa118"},{"name":"Espèce","_id":"54df23b6842142426fdfa117"}],"photo":{"src":"http://www.stockcrous.fr/Photos%20stuctures/RU/Ru%20Gemini_interieur.JPG","alt":"Restaurant GEMINI"},"contact":{"tel":"","email":" [email protected]"},"geolocation":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[0.360065,46.662458]}}