A repo for creating urdf models of aruco markers for use in Gazebo.
This package comes with 250 markers, spaning id values from 0 to 249, in both 100mm and 500mm squares.
Aruco markers are generated via OpenCV 3.1.0 (See this page) (And this page for the python usage). This package can create 250 aruco markers in different sizes.
Note: testing has yet to be done on non-development systems.
See the launch/spawn_aruco.launch
Note: the /scripts/source_paths.sh
files may need to be sourced before the urdf files can be properly loaded.
To create a new set of urdf files in different sizes, run the /scripts/generate_urdf_custom_size_mm.sh file, with the size in mm as an arugment. For example, to create square markers 200mm in side length, run:
source ./scripts/generate_urdf_custom_size_mm.sh 200
This will create the /urdf/aruco_200mm folder, and populate it with urdf files.
The urdf files can be referenced as:
{aruco_model_generation}/urdf/aruco_{size in mm; see above}mm_{id; 0 to 249}.urdf
Note: the ids are not currently zero-padded. Ie: id 2 is '2', and not '002'.
The aruco markers themselves (the .png files) were originally generated in Ubuntu14.04/Python3.4. If needed, markers can be re-generated.
Run setup_virtual_environment.sh
to create a virtual python environment .venv
, which can be used to run the scripts/marker_file_generator.py
file. This file will generate both the .png files, and necessary material files within /media/scripts
RUN clean_aruco_generation.sh
to generate the virtual environment, create the markers, and remove the virtual environment, all in one command.