CB-Heads is a feature-rich plugin for getting and placing playerheads on PocketMine-MP servers.
The .phar can be found on poggit.
Command | Description | Usage | Aliases | Permission |
head | Gives you the head of a player | /head <player: target> | playerhead | cb-heads.command.head |
All commands can be configured in the config file.
Permission | Description | Default |
cb-heads.command.head | Permission for the /head command | op |
cb-heads.bypass.waiting | Permission to bypass the head claim cooldown | op |
cb-heads.bypass.blacklist | Permission to get heads from players on the blacklist | false |
cb-heads.bypass.blacklist.playername | Permission to get heads from the given player even if they are on the blacklist | false |
You can create multiple head claim cooldowns for different permissions in the config.
These permissions will then look like this: cb-heads.waiting.group
CB-Heads is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
Further information: https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-3.0
© 2019 - 2023 Wertzui123
This plugin is based on PlayerHead by Enes5519, which has been improved by wolfgamer2805.
CB-Heads only contains little of the original sourcecode though, and I (Wertzui123) have implemented most of the features.
The icon is composed of the skins "Steve" and "Alex" from Minecraft.