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OpenBlogware - Shopware 6 Blog Plugin

After the plugin installation you can find the entity if you hop to content -> blog.

Note: This plugin is not currently compatible with Shopware or newer.

Blog listing view

Blog overview page with categories

blog detail view


The plugin makes use of two CMS Elements which are part of two different CMS Layouts. During the plugin installation those two CMS pages will be created for you:

  • Blog Listing Page which contains a Blog Detail element
  • Blog Detail Page which contains a Blog Listing element

Within the plugin configuration the Blog Detail Page ID is assigned, so Shopware knows which CMS Page to use for the detail page.

Menu entry

You need to create a new category within your category tree and assign the Blog Listing CMS Page.

Category entry

After this you will see all blog articles within your menu/category entry in the storefront.

CMS Listing Element

Currently you can only set the number of posts showing per page for the pagination.

CMS Listing element configuration

Pagination within the storefront


Within the Settings > SEO page you can define the structure of the URL to your blog detail page where you can also select from all available variables.

SEO URL template

RSS Feed

For access RSS Feed url you can use this path /blog/rss Example(http://Your-domain/blog/rss)


Zip Installation Package for the Shopware 6 Plugin

  1. Download the latest file from the releases page.
  2. In the Shopware 6 backend, navigate to Extensions > My Extensions.
  3. Click on Upload Extension.
  4. Confirm the warning, if prompted.
  5. Choose the file
  6. Install and activate the plugin.

Composer Installation

  1. Navigate to the root of your Shopware installation.
  2. Run the command:
composer require werkstattl/openblogware
  1. To install the plugin, run:
bin/console plugin:refresh
bin/console plugin:install WerklOpenBlogware
  1. To clear the cache, run:
bin/console cache:clear


This plugin began as a fork of the latest MIT-licensed version of a Shopware 6 plugin that adds blog functionality. The source code of the original project is no longer publicly available.