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Releases: Wasappli/WANetworkRouting

Swift compatibility

30 Aug 14:00
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  • Added nullability to help swift compatibility
  • Fixed an issue with route matching on POST request

V1 release

27 Jul 19:35
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Fixed an issue with response descriptors and keypaths

Fixed an object parameter

27 Jul 19:34
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Send the WAObjectRequest for authentication

Watch OS support

27 Jul 19:34
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Added support for watch os

Fixed batch and updated pods

22 Apr 16:30
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  • Updated AFNetworking from 3.0 to 3.1
  • Updated WAMapping from 0.0.6 to 0.0.7

Batch Manager

  • Added canEnqueue behavior from response and error
  • Enqueue on Offline or Time out error on NSURLErrorDomain
  • Enqueue on http status code of 500 (server down) or 503 (maintenance)

Added batch manager

04 Apr 17:18
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  • Added Batch manager
  • Fixed an issue on route and DELETE: the object is no longer mapped as a request
  • Fixed an issue on request descriptors and routes with keypath. You can now write meetings/:meeting.itemID/privatenotes/:itemID
  • Added reachability on WARequestManagerProtocol and WAAFNetworkingRequestManager: isReachable
  • When you delete an object without using routes|request descriptors, the path is parsed to get the object ID to delete. It was not deleted before
  • Fixed crashes when object requests have no success or failure blocks
  • Fixed a crash when your request descriptor have no shouldMapBlock


04 Apr 17:17
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Fixed an issue with mapping progress with several response descriptors

Added support for `NSProgress`

21 Mar 20:07
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This release brings the progress for download and mapping using NSProgress!

[routingManager getObjectsAtPath:@"posts"
                        progress:^(WAObjectRequest *objectRequest, NSProgress *uploadProgress, NSProgress *downloadProgress, NSProgress *mappingProgress) {
                            NSLog(@"downloadProgress: %f -> %@ — mappingProgress: %f -> %@", downloadProgress.fractionCompleted, downloadProgress.localizedDescription, mappingProgress.fractionCompleted, mappingProgress.localizedDescription);
                         success:^(WAObjectRequest *objectRequest, WAObjectResponse *response, NSArray *mappedObjects) {
                         failure:^(WAObjectRequest *objectRequest, WAObjectResponse *response, id<WANRErrorProtocol> error) {

By adding support of NSProgress, you can easily cancel the request. You have to call [downloadProgress cancel] and/or [mappingProgress cancel] depending on where you are on the task.

  • Added a simple sample
  • You no longer have to create WAMapper or WAReverseMapper. Simply pass the store.


WAMemoryStore *memoryStore = [[WAMemoryStore alloc] init];

// Create both a mapper and a reverse mapper
WAMapper *mapper               = [WAMapper newMapperWithStore:memoryStore];
WAReverseMapper *reverseMapper = [WAReverseMapper new];

// Create the mapping manager
WAMappingManager *mappingManager = [WAMappingManager mappingManagerWithMapper:mapper


WAMemoryStore *memoryStore = [[WAMemoryStore alloc] init];

// Create the mapping manager
WAMappingManager *mappingManager = [WAMappingManager mappingManagerWithStore:memoryStore];
  • For registering default mapping blocks.


// Add a default date formatter on mapper
id(^toDateMappingBlock)(id ) = ^id(id value) {
    if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
        return [dateFormatter dateFromString:value];

    return value;

[mapper addDefaultMappingBlock:toDateMappingBlock
           forDestinationClass:[NSDate class]];


// Add a default date formatter on mapper
id(^toDateMappingBlock)(id ) = ^id(id value) {
    if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
        return [dateFormatter dateFromString:value];

    return value;

[mappingManager addDefaultMappingBlock:toDateMappingBlock
                   forDestinationClass:[NSDate class]];


29 Feb 19:19
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  • Fixed an import with missing .h on main header
  • Do not ask the store to delete an object if nil