Jenkins plugin to run dynamic agents in a Kubernetes cluster.
Based on the Scaling Docker with Kubernetes article, automates the scaling of Jenkins agents running in Kubernetes.
The plugin creates a Kubernetes Pod for each agent started, defined by the Docker image to run, and stops it after each build.
Agents are launched using JNLP, so it is expected that the image connects automatically to the Jenkins master. For that some environment variables are automatically injected:
: Jenkins web interface urlJENKINS_SECRET
: the secret key for authenticationJENKINS_AGENT_NAME
: the name of the Jenkins agentJENKINS_NAME
: the name of the Jenkins agent (Deprecated. Only here for backwards compatibility)
Tested with jenkins/inbound-agent
see the Docker image source code.
It is not required to run the Jenkins master inside Kubernetes.
- A running Kubernetes cluster 1.14 or later. For OpenShift users, this means OpenShift Container Platform 4.x.
- A Jenkins instance installed
- The Jenkins Kubernetes plugin installed
It should be noted that the main reason to use the global pod template definition is to migrate a huge corpus of existing projects (incl. freestyle) to run on Kubernetes without changing job definitions. New users setting up new Kubernetes builds should use the podTemplate step as shown in the example snippets here
Fill in the Kubernetes plugin configuration. In order to do that, you will open the Jenkins UI and navigate to Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Cloud -> Kubernetes and enter in the Kubernetes URL and Jenkins URL appropriately, this is unless Jenkins is running in Kubernetes in which case the defaults work.
Supported credentials include:
- Username/password
- Secret File (kubeconfig file)
- Secret text (Token-based authentication) (OpenShift)
- Google Service Account from private key (GKE authentication)
- X.509 Client Certificate
To test this connection is successful you can use the Test Connection button to ensure there is adequate communication from Jenkins to the Kubernetes cluster, as seen below
In addition to that, in the Kubernetes Pod Template section, we need to configure the image that will be used to
spin up the agent pod. We do not recommend overriding the jnlp
container except under unusual circumstances.
for your agent, you can use the default Jenkins agent image available in Docker Hub. In the
‘Kubernetes Pod Template’ section you need to specify the following (the rest of the configuration is up to you):
Kubernetes Pod Template Name - can be any and will be shown as a prefix for unique generated agent’ names, which will
be run automatically during builds
Docker image - the docker image name that will be used as a reference to spin up a new Jenkins agent, as seen below
In Jenkins settings click on add cloud, select Kubernetes
and fill the information, like
Name, Kubernetes URL, Kubernetes server certificate key, ...
If Kubernetes URL is not set, the connection options will be autoconfigured from service account or kube config file.
When running the Jenkins master outside of Kubernetes you will need to set the credential to secret text. The value of the credential will be the token of the service account you created for Jenkins in the cluster the agents will run on.
If you check WebSocket then agents will connect over HTTP(S) rather than the Jenkins service TCP port. This is unnecessary when the Jenkins master runs in the same Kubernetes cluster, but can greatly simplify setup when agents are in an external cluster and the Jenkins master is not directly accessible (for example, it is behind a reverse proxy). See JEP-222 for more.
Note: if your Jenkins master is outside of the cluster and uses a self-signed HTTPS certificate, you will need some additional configuration.
Clouds can be configured to only allow certain jobs to use them.
To enable this, in your cloud's advanced configuration check the
Restrict pipeline support to authorized folders
box. For a job to then
use this cloud configuration you will need to add it in the jobs folder's configuration.
Nodes can be defined in a pipeline and then used, however, default execution always goes to the jnlp container. You will need to specify the container you want to execute your task in.
Please note the POD_LABEL
is a new feature to automatically label the generated pod in versions 1.17.0
or higher, older versions of the Kubernetes Plugin will need to manually label the podTemplate
This will run in jnlp container
podTemplate {
node(POD_LABEL) {
stage('Run shell') {
sh 'echo hello world'
This will be container specific.
Note the variable POD_CONTAINER
contains the name of the container in the current context. It is defined only within a container
podTemplate(containers: […]) {
node(POD_LABEL) {
stage('Run shell') {
container('mycontainer') {
sh "echo hello from $POD_CONTAINER" // displays 'hello from mycontainer'
Find more examples in the examples dir.
The default jnlp agent image used can be customized by adding it to the template
containerTemplate(name: 'jnlp', image: 'jenkins/inbound-agent:4.3-4-alpine', args: '${computer.jnlpmac} ${}'),
or with the yaml syntax
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
- name: jnlp
image: 'jenkins/inbound-agent:4.3-4-alpine'
args: ['\$(JENKINS_SECRET)', '\$(JENKINS_NAME)']
Multiple containers can be defined for the agent pod, with shared resources, like mounts. Ports in each container can be accessed as in any Kubernetes pod, by using localhost
The container
statement allows to execute commands directly into each container.
podTemplate(containers: [
containerTemplate(name: 'maven', image: 'maven:3.3.9-jdk-8-alpine', ttyEnabled: true, command: 'cat'),
containerTemplate(name: 'golang', image: 'golang:1.8.0', ttyEnabled: true, command: 'cat')
]) {
node(POD_LABEL) {
stage('Get a Maven project') {
git ''
container('maven') {
stage('Build a Maven project') {
sh 'mvn -B clean install'
stage('Get a Golang project') {
git url: ''
container('golang') {
stage('Build a Go project') {
sh """
mkdir -p /go/src/
ln -s `pwd` /go/src/
cd /go/src/ && make core-dev
The podTemplate
is a template of a pod that will be used to create agents. It can be either configured via the user interface, or via pipeline.
Either way it provides access to the following fields:
- cloud The name of the cloud as defined in Jenkins settings. Defaults to
- name The name of the pod.
- namespace The namespace of the pod.
- label The label of the pod. Can be set to a unique value to avoid conflicts across builds, or omitted and
will be defined inside the step. - yaml yaml representation of the Pod, to allow setting any values not supported as fields
- yamlMergeStrategy
. Controls whether the yaml definition overrides or is merged with the yaml definition inherited from pod templates declared withinheritFrom
. Defaults tooverride()
. - containers The container templates that are use to create the containers of the pod (see below).
- serviceAccount The service account of the pod.
- nodeSelector The node selector of the pod.
- nodeUsageMode Either 'NORMAL' or 'EXCLUSIVE', this controls whether Jenkins only schedules jobs with label expressions matching or use the node as much as possible.
- volumes Volumes that are defined for the pod and are mounted by ALL containers.
- envVars Environment variables that are applied to ALL containers.
- envVar An environment variable whose value is defined inline.
- secretEnvVar An environment variable whose value is derived from a Kubernetes secret.
- imagePullSecrets List of pull secret names, to pull images from a private Docker registry.
- annotations Annotations to apply to the pod.
- inheritFrom List of one or more pod templates to inherit from (more details below).
- slaveConnectTimeout Timeout in seconds for an agent to be online (more details below).
- podRetention Controls the behavior of keeping agent pods. Can be 'never()', 'onFailure()', 'always()', or 'default()' - if empty will default to deleting the pod after
has passed. - activeDeadlineSeconds If
is set to 'never()' or 'onFailure()', pod is deleted after this deadline is passed. - idleMinutes Allows the Pod to remain active for reuse until the configured number of minutes has passed since the last step was executed on it.
- showRawYaml Enable or disable the output of the raw Yaml file. Defaults to
- runAsUser The user ID to run all containers in the pod as.
- runAsGroup The group ID to run all containers in the pod as.
- hostNetwork Use the hosts network.
- workspaceVolume The type of volume to use for the workspace. Can be
, orpersistentVolumeClaimWorkspaceVolume()
The containerTemplate
is a template of container that will be added to the pod. Again, its configurable via the user interface or via pipeline and allows you to set the following fields:
- name The name of the container.
- image The image of the container.
- envVars Environment variables that are applied to the container (supplementing and overriding env vars that are set on pod level).
- envVar An environment variable whose value is defined inline.
- secretEnvVar An environment variable whose value is derived from a Kubernetes secret.
- command The command the container will execute.
- args The arguments passed to the command.
- ttyEnabled Flag to mark that tty should be enabled.
- livenessProbe Parameters to be added to a exec liveness probe in the container (does not support httpGet liveness probes)
- ports Expose ports on the container.
- alwaysPullImage The container will pull the image upon starting.
- runAsUser The user ID to run the container as.
- runAsGroup The group ID to run the container as.
By default, the agent connection timeout is set to 100 seconds. In some case, you would like to set a different value, if so you can set the system property org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins.kubernetes.PodTemplate.connectionTimeout
to a different value. Please read Features controlled by system properties page to know how to setup system properties within Jenkins.
In order to support any possible value in Kubernetes Pod
object, we can pass a yaml snippet that will be used as a base
for the template. If any other properties are set outside of the yaml they will take precedence.
podTemplate(yaml: """\
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
some-label: some-label-value
- name: busybox
image: busybox
- cat
tty: true
""".stripIndent()) {
node(POD_LABEL) {
container('busybox') {
echo POD_CONTAINER // displays 'busybox'
sh "hostname"
You can use readFile
or readTrusted
steps to load the yaml from a file. It is also accessible from this plugin's configuration panel in the Jenkins console.
containerTemplate(name: 'busybox', image: 'busybox', ttyEnabled: true, command: 'cat', livenessProbe: containerLivenessProbe( execArgs: 'some --command', initialDelaySeconds: 30, timeoutSeconds: 1, failureThreshold: 3, periodSeconds: 10, successThreshold: 1))
See Defining a liveness command for more details.
A podTemplate may or may not inherit from an existing template. This means that the podTemplate will inherit node selector, service account, image pull secrets, containerTemplates and volumes from the template it inheritsFrom.
yaml is never merged, if is defined in the child pod template that one will be used and not the parent one.
Service account and Node selector when are overridden completely substitute any possible value found on the 'parent'.
Container templates that are added to the podTemplate, that has a matching containerTemplate (a containerTemplate with the same name) in the 'parent' template, will inherit the configuration of the parent containerTemplate. If no matching containerTemplate is found, the template is added as is.
Volume inheritance works exactly as Container templates.
Image Pull Secrets are combined (all secrets defined both on 'parent' and 'current' template are used).
In the example below, we will inherit the podTemplate we created previously, and will just override the version of 'maven' so that it uses jdk-7 instead:
podTemplate(label: 'anotherpod', inheritFrom: 'mypod' containers: [
containerTemplate(name: 'maven', image: 'maven:3.3.9-jdk-7-alpine')
]) {
//Let's not repeat ourselves and ommit this part
Note that we only need to specify the things that are different. So, ttyEnabled
and command
are not specified, as they are inherited. Also the golang
container will be added as is defined in the 'parent' template.
Field inheritFrom
may refer a single podTemplate or multiple separated by space. In the later case each template will be processed in the order they appear in the list (later items overriding earlier ones).
In any case if the referenced template is not found it will be ignored.
Field inheritFrom
provides an easy way to compose podTemplates that have been pre-configured. In many cases it would be useful to define and compose podTemplates directly in the pipeline using groovy.
This is made possible via nesting. You can nest multiple pod templates together in order to compose a single one.
The example below composes two different podTemplates in order to create one with maven and docker capabilities.
podTemplate(label: 'docker', containers: [containerTemplate(image: 'docker', name: 'docker', command: 'cat', ttyEnabled: true)]) {
podTemplate(label: 'maven', containers: [containerTemplate(image: 'maven', name: 'maven', command: 'cat', ttyEnabled: true)]) {
// do stuff
This feature is extra useful, pipeline library developers as it allows you to wrap podTemplates into functions and let users, nest those functions according to their needs.
For example one could create functions for their podTemplates and import them for use.
Say here's our file src/com/foo/utils/PodTemplates.groovy
public void dockerTemplate(body) {
containers: [containerTemplate(name: 'docker', image: 'docker', command: 'cat', ttyEnabled: true)],
volumes: [hostPathVolume(hostPath: '/var/run/docker.sock', mountPath: '/var/run/docker.sock')]) {
public void mavenTemplate(body) {
containers: [containerTemplate(name: 'maven', image: 'maven', command: 'cat', ttyEnabled: true)],
volumes: [secretVolume(secretName: 'maven-settings', mountPath: '/root/.m2'),
persistentVolumeClaim(claimName: 'maven-local-repo', mountPath: '/root/.m2nrepo')]) {
return this
Then consumers of the library could just express the need for a maven pod with docker capabilities by combining the two, however once again, you will need to express the specific container you wish to execute commands in. You can NOT omit the node
Note that POD_LABEL
will be the innermost generated label so as to get a node which has all the outer pods available on the node, as shown in this example:
slaveTemplates = new PodTemplates()
slaveTemplates.dockerTemplate {
slaveTemplates.mavenTemplate {
node(POD_LABEL) {
container('docker') {
sh "echo hello from $POD_CONTAINER" // displays 'hello from docker'
container('maven') {
sh "echo hello from $POD_CONTAINER" // displays 'hello from maven'
There are cases where this implicit inheritance via nested declaration is not wanted or another explicit inheritance is preferred.
In this case, use inheritFrom ''
to remove any inheritance, or inheritFrom 'otherParent'
to override it.
There might be cases, where you need to have the agent pod run inside a different namespace than the one configured with the cloud definition.
For example you may need the agent to run inside an ephemeral
namespace for the sake of testing.
For those cases you can explicitly configure a namespace either using the ui or the pipeline.
When configuring a container in a pipeline podTemplate the following options are available:
podTemplate(cloud: 'kubernetes', containers: [
name: 'mariadb',
image: 'mariadb:10.1',
ttyEnabled: true,
privileged: false,
alwaysPullImage: false,
workingDir: '/home/jenkins/agent',
resourceRequestCpu: '50m',
resourceLimitCpu: '100m',
resourceRequestMemory: '100Mi',
resourceLimitMemory: '200Mi',
envVars: [
envVar(key: 'MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD', value: 'true'),
secretEnvVar(key: 'MYSQL_PASSWORD', secretName: 'mysql-secret', secretKey: 'password'),
ports: [portMapping(name: 'mysql', containerPort: 3306, hostPort: 3306)]
volumes: [
emptyDirVolume(mountPath: '/etc/mount1', memory: false),
secretVolume(mountPath: '/etc/mount2', secretName: 'my-secret'),
configMapVolume(mountPath: '/etc/mount3', configMapName: 'my-config'),
hostPathVolume(mountPath: '/etc/mount4', hostPath: '/mnt/my-mount'),
nfsVolume(mountPath: '/etc/mount5', serverAddress: '', serverPath: '/', readOnly: true),
persistentVolumeClaim(mountPath: '/etc/mount6', claimName: 'myClaim', readOnly: true)
imagePullSecrets: [ 'pull-secret' ],
annotations: [
podAnnotation(key: "my-key", value: "my-value")
]) {
Declarative Pipeline support requires Jenkins 2.66+
Declarative agents can be defined from yaml
pipeline {
agent {
kubernetes {
yaml """\
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
some-label: some-label-value
- name: maven
image: maven:alpine
- cat
tty: true
- name: busybox
image: busybox
- cat
tty: true
stages {
stage('Run maven') {
steps {
container('maven') {
sh 'mvn -version'
container('busybox') {
sh '/bin/busybox'
or using yamlFile
to keep the pod template in a separate KubernetesPod.yaml
pipeline {
agent {
kubernetes {
yamlFile 'KubernetesPod.yaml'
stages {
Note that it was previously possible to define containerTemplate
but that has been deprecated in favor of the yaml format.
pipeline {
agent {
kubernetes {
//cloud 'kubernetes'
containerTemplate {
name 'maven'
image 'maven:3.3.9-jdk-8-alpine'
ttyEnabled true
command 'cat'
stages { ... }
Run steps within a container by default. Steps will be nested within an implicit container(name) {...}
block instead
of being executed in the jnlp container.
pipeline {
agent {
kubernetes {
defaultContainer 'maven'
yamlFile 'KubernetesPod.yaml'
stages {
stage('Run maven') {
steps {
sh 'mvn -version'
Run the Pipeline or individual stage within a custom workspace - not required unless explicitly stated.
pipeline {
agent {
kubernetes {
customWorkspace 'some/other/path'
defaultContainer 'maven'
yamlFile 'KubernetesPod.yaml'
stages {
stage('Run maven') {
steps {
sh 'mvn -version'
sh "echo Workspace dir is ${pwd()}"
Unlike scripted k8s template, declarative templates do not inherit from parent template. You need to explicitly declare the inheritance if necessary.
In the following example, nested-pod
will only contain the maven
pipeline {
agent {
kubernetes {
label 'parent-pod'
yaml """\
- name: golang
image: golang:1.6.3-alpine
- cat
tty: true
stages {
stage('Run maven') {
agent {
kubernetes {
label 'nested-pod'
yaml """\
- name: maven
image: maven:3.3.9-jdk-8-alpine
- cat
tty: true
steps {
If you use the containerTemplate
to run some service in the background
(e.g. a database for your integration tests), you might want to access its log from the pipeline.
This can be done with the containerLog
step, which prints the log of the
requested container to the build log.
- name the name of the container to get logs from, as defined in
. Parameter name can be omitted in simple usage:
containerLog 'mongodb'
- returnLog return the log instead of printing it to the build log (default:
) - tailingLines only return the last n lines of the log (optional)
- sinceSeconds only return the last n seconds of the log (optional)
- limitBytes limit output to n bytes (from the beginning of the log, not exact).
Also see the online help and examples/containerLog.groovy.
OpenShift runs containers using a 'random' UID that is overriding what is specified in Docker images. For this reason, you may end up with the following warning in your build
[WARNING] HOME is set to / in the jnlp container. You may encounter troubles when using tools or ssh client. This usually happens if the uid doesnt have any entry in /etc/passwd. Please add a user to your Dockerfile or set the HOME environment variable to a valid directory in the pod template definition.
At the moment the jenkinsci agent image is not built for OpenShift and will issue this warning.
This issue can be circumvented in various ways:
- build a docker image for OpenShift in order to behave when running using an arbitrary uid.
- override HOME environment variable in the pod spec to use
and mount a volume to/home/jenkins
to ensure the user running the container can write to it
See this example configuration.
OpenShift 3 is based on an older version of Kubernetes, which is not anymore directly supported since Kubernetes plugin version 1.26.0.
To get agents working for Openshift 3, add this Node Selector
to your Pod Templates:
You can run pods on Windows if your cluster has Windows nodes. See the example.
Multiple containers can be defined in a pod.
One of them is automatically created with name jnlp
, and runs the Jenkins JNLP agent service, with args ${computer.jnlpmac} ${}
and will be the container acting as Jenkins agent.
Other containers must run a long running process, so the container does not exit. If the default entrypoint or command
just runs something and exit then it should be overridden with something like cat
with ttyEnabled: true
If you want to provide your own Docker image for the JNLP agent, you must name the container jnlp
so it overrides the default one. Failing to do so will result in two agents trying to concurrently connect to the master.
By default, Jenkins estimates load to avoid over-provisioning cloud nodes. This plugin will use its own provisioning strategy by default. With this strategy, a new node is created on Kubernetes as soon as NodeProvisioner detects a need for more agents. In worst case scenarios, this will result in some extra nodes being provisioned on Kubernetes, which will be shortly terminated.
If you want to turn off this Strategy you can set SystemProperty io.jenkins.plugins.kubernetes.disableNoDelayProvisioning=true
Create and start minikube
The client certificate needs to be converted to PKCS, will need a password
openssl pkcs12 -export -out ~/.minikube/minikube.pfx -inkey ~/.minikube/apiserver.key -in ~/.minikube/apiserver.crt -certfile ~/.minikube/ca.crt -passout pass:secret
Validate that the certificates work
curl --cacert ~/.minikube/ca.crt --cert ~/.minikube/minikube.pfx:secret --cert-type P12 https://$(minikube ip):8443
Add a Jenkins credential of type certificate, upload it from ~/.minikube/minikube.pfx
, password secret
Fill Kubernetes server certificate key with the contents of ~/.minikube/ca.crt
Create a cluster
gcloud container clusters create jenkins --num-nodes 1 --machine-type g1-small
and note the admin password and server certificate.
Or use Google Developer Console to create a Container Engine cluster, then run
gcloud container clusters get-credentials jenkins
kubectl config view --raw
the last command will output kubernetes cluster configuration including API server URL, admin password and root certificate
First watch if the Jenkins agent pods are started. Make sure you are in the correct cluster and namespace.
kubectl get -a pods --watch
If they are in a different state than Running
, use describe
to get the events
kubectl describe pods/my-jenkins-agent
If they are Running
, use logs
to get the log output
kubectl logs -f pods/my-jenkins-agent jnlp
If pods are not started or for any other error, check the logs on the master side.
For more detail, configure a new Jenkins log recorder for
at ALL
To inspect the json messages sent back and forth to the Kubernetes API server you can configure
a new Jenkins log recorder for okhttp3
kubectl get pods -o name --selector=jenkins=slave --all-namespaces | xargs -I {} kubectl delete {}
To debug this you need to set -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.durabletask.BourneShellScript.LAUNCH_DIAGNOSTICS=true
system property
and then restart the pipeline. Most likely in the console log you will see the following:
sh: can't create /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/thejob@tmp/durable-e0b7cd27/jenkins-log.txt: Permission denied
sh: can't create /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/thejob@tmp/durable-e0b7cd27/jenkins-result.txt.tmp: Permission denied
mv: can't rename '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/thejob@tmp/durable-e0b7cd27/jenkins-result.txt.tmp': No such file or directory
touch: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/thejob@tmp/durable-e0b7cd27/jenkins-log.txt: Permission denied
touch: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/thejob@tmp/durable-e0b7cd27/jenkins-log.txt: Permission denied
touch: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/thejob@tmp/durable-e0b7cd27/jenkins-log.txt: Permission denied
Usually this happens when UID of the user in jnlp
container differs from the one in other container(s).
All containers you use should have the same UID of the user, also this can be achieved by setting securityContext
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
runAsUser: 1000 # default UID of jenkins user in default jnlp image
- name: maven
image: maven:3.3.9-jdk-8-alpine
- cat
tty: true
Using WebSockets is the easiest and recommended way to establish the connection between agents and a Jenkins master running outside of the cluster.
However, if your Jenkins master has HTTPS configured with self-signed certificate, you'll need to make sure the agent container trusts the CA.
To do that, you can extend the jenkins/inbound-agent
image and add your certificate as follows:
FROM jenkins/inbound-agent
USER root
ADD cert.pem /tmp/cert.pem
RUN keytool -noprompt -storepass changeit \
-keystore "$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts" \
-import -file /tmp/cert.pem -alias jenkinsMaster && \
rm -f /tmp/cert.pem
USER jenkins
Then, use it as the jnlp
container for the pod template as usual. No command or args need to be specified.
Note: when using the WebSocket mode, the
on thejenkins/inbound-agent
becomes unavailable, as well as-cert
, and that's why you have to extend the docker image.
Integration tests will use the currently configured context autodetected from kube config file or service account.
Run mvn clean install
and copy target/kubernetes.hpi
to Jenkins plugins folder.
Please note that the system you run mvn
on needs to be reachable from the cluster.
If you see the agents happen to connect to the wrong host, see you can use
as mentioned above.
For integration tests install and start minikube. Tests will detect it and run a set of integration tests in a new namespace.
Some integration tests run a local jenkins, so the host that runs them needs
to be accessible from the kubernetes cluster.
By default Jenkins will listen on
interface only, for security reasons.
If your minikube is not running in that network, pass connectorHost
to maven, ie.
mvn clean install -DconnectorHost=$(minikube ip | sed -e 's/\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*/\1.1/')
If you don't mind others in your network being able to use your test jenkins you could just use this:
mvn clean install -DconnectorHost=
Then your test jenkins will listen on all ip addresses so that the build pods will be able to connect from the pods in your minikube VM to your host.
If your minikube is running in a VM (e.g. on virtualbox) and the host running mvn
does not have a public hostname for the VM to access, you can set the
system property to the (host-only or NAT) IP of your host:
mvn clean install
If Microk8s is running and is the default context in your ~/.kube/config
just run as
mvn clean install -Pmicrok8s
This assumes that from a pod, the host system is accessible as IP address
It might be some variant such as
in which case you would need to set -DconnectorHost=……
To see the actual address, try:
ifdata -pa cni0
Or to verify the networking inside a pod:
kubectl run --rm --image=praqma/network-multitool --restart=Never --attach sh ip route | fgrep 'default via'
Docker image for Jenkins, with plugin installed. Based on the official image.
docker run --rm --name jenkins -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v /var/jenkins_home csanchez/jenkins-kubernetes
The example configuration will create a stateful set running Jenkins with persistent volume and using a service account to authenticate to Kubernetes API.
A local testing cluster with one node can be created with minikube
minikube start
You may need to set the correct permissions for host mounted volumes
minikube ssh
sudo chown 1000:1000 /tmp/hostpath-provisioner/pvc-*
Then create the Jenkins namespace, controller and Service with
kubectl create namespace kubernetes-plugin
kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=kubernetes-plugin
kubectl create -f src/main/kubernetes/service-account.yml
kubectl create -f src/main/kubernetes/jenkins.yml
Get the url to connect to with
minikube service jenkins --namespace kubernetes-plugin --url
Assuming you created a Kubernetes cluster named jenkins
this is how to run both Jenkins and agents there.
Creating all the elements and setting the default namespace
kubectl create namespace kubernetes-plugin
kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=kubernetes-plugin
kubectl create -f src/main/kubernetes/service-account.yml
kubectl create -f src/main/kubernetes/jenkins.yml
Connect to the ip of the network load balancer created by Kubernetes, port 80.
Get the ip (in this case
) with kubectl describe services/jenkins
(it may take a bit to populate)
$ kubectl describe services/jenkins
Name: jenkins
Namespace: default
Labels: <none>
Selector: name=jenkins
Type: LoadBalancer
LoadBalancer Ingress:
Port: http 80/TCP
NodePort: http 30080/TCP
Port: agent 50000/TCP
NodePort: agent 32081/TCP
Session Affinity: None
No events.
Until Kubernetes 1.4 removes the SNATing of source ips, seems that CSRF (enabled by default in Jenkins 2)
needs to be configured to avoid WARNING: No valid crumb was included in request
This can be done checking Enable proxy compatibility under Manage Jenkins -> Configure Global Security
Configure Jenkins, adding the Kubernetes
cloud under configuration, setting
Kubernetes URL to the container engine cluster endpoint or simply https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local
Under credentials, click Add
and select Kubernetes Service Account
or alternatively use the Kubernetes API username and password. Select 'Certificate' as credentials type if the
kubernetes cluster is configured to use client certificates for authentication.
Using Kubernetes Service Account
will cause the plugin to use the default token mounted inside the Jenkins pod. See Configure Service Accounts for Pods for more information.
You may want to set Jenkins URL
to the internal service IP,
in this case,
to connect through the internal network.
Set Container Cap
to a reasonable number for tests, i.e. 3.
Add an image with
- Docker image:
- Jenkins agent root directory:
Now it is ready to be used.
Tearing it down
kubectl delete namespace/kubernetes-plugin
Modify file ./src/main/kubernetes/jenkins.yml
with desired limits
cpu: 1
memory: 1Gi
cpu: 0.5
memory: 500Mi
Note: the JVM will use the memory requests
as the heap limit (-Xmx)
docker build -t csanchez/jenkins-kubernetes .
- Kubernetes Pipeline plugin: pipeline extension to provide native support for using Kubernetes pods, secrets and volumes to perform builds
- kubernetes-credentials: Credentials provider that reads Kubernetes secrets